What happened in 2017?
For HWPL, the year 2017 was a quantum leap forward. Peace advocacy projects are spreading all around the world. The Legislate Peace Campaign is to establish an international law for peace. And the WARP Offices are to work for religious harmony. Our progress can be attributed to the journalists who contributed to spreading the news of peace in every corner of the world. Let’s meet MVPs.
Key Peace Messengers in 2017
Mr. Bojan Stojkovski
Journalist of Makfax News Agency in Macedonia
3rd WARP Summit, he stated, “Daily reporting on peace initiatives and activities, like the ones that HWPL is conducting, is the best way for journalists to help towards the cause of world peace and in my opinion every journalist needs to be dedicated to this cause.”
Mr. Stojkovski is a direct witness who is deeply aware of the role of the media in peace building. So passion was evident in his every words. He is wokring with HWPL as journalist for 10 years old.
“The international cooperation between professional journalists is something that can always contribute towards strengthening the media sector and thanks to HWPL, this will be a reality. I strongly believe that everyone can make a difference and as a journalist, by participating in this network, everyone can do his part to promote peace activities and to help achieve global peace.”
Jean de Dieu Munyembabazi
Editor in Chief & Country Manager at IGIHE Burundi
Despite rich cultural assets, Africa is currently facing the dim prospect of a bright future. There are many ethnic and religious conflicts. Journalists are very dangerous because they are susceptible to imprisonment in the name of conspiracy of breaching national security.
Despite such a negative environment he boldly proclaimed, “I know that if I do not fight this fight, nobody will fight it for me. I do not do this job for money but for the hope that one day, my country will also enjoy the freedom of speech where everyone will not be persecuted, jailed, or killed for their political views or membership – a country where everybody will live and enjoy life whether national or expatriate.”
Official homepage : http://www.hwpl.kr/