What is “Legislate Peace” Campaign?
“Legislate Peace” project is a comprehensive cooperation campaign around the globe in support of the DPCW’s introduction to the UN as a draft resolution, and for it to become an international, legally binding document. This project lists all of the support received from 2016 to now from over 180 different countries and includes institutional support from various international organizations and governments, with individual support and activities from political leaders, religious leaders, and community activists. At this year’s event, the projects’ specific cases in individual expert fields will be shared with a discussion for future plans.
So far, more than 1.3 million citizens from 176 countries have agreed that DPCW is a declaration that will serve as the basis for world peace and security, and many civic groups, including religious and educational people, have paid keen attention to the DPCW and support to the LP campaign. Any citizen who wants peace can join the “Legislate Peace” Project in making peace a legacy to future generations. But we can’t say anything without Mr. Man Hee Lee, the Chairman of HWPL, because the center of all this is him. With his strong drive, HWPL will be a huge success again this year. Let’s join in this unstoppable flow. 🙂
WARP Summit: http://bit.ly/2Zi1BDQ
HWPL: http://www.hwpl.kr/en/
Sign your support for DPCW: http://bit.ly/30lrUdI
Peace Letter: http://bit.ly/2P2ZgNj
Teaser1: http://bit.ly/2YX7mMd
Teaser2: http://bit.ly/2ZnWUMW
LP Campaign Peace Quotes

Mr. Dragomir G. Marian (President of MasterPeace Romania)
“We, peace teachers will keep moving on for continuous peace education so that it would be deeply rooted in Romania, and also we will stand at the front line for the implementation of DPCW for our future so that our students could live in peace.”

Rev. Tshuma Masimango Katembo,
Mr. Jean de Dieu Munyembabazi, Democratic Republic of Congo
“We found the hope from Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) of HWPL.” all the 10 articles were exactly what DRC has needed. we announced the campaign of Peace to more than 100 leaders from different religious background and others stakeholders who held an offline signature ceremony, which was for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War to be introduced to the United Nations through HWPL of Korea to become an enforceable international law.
All religious leaders promised to inform the Declaration of Peace for Cessation of War to their congregation members, because it was an important cause aiming to stop wars, massacre in Beni, DRC and secure peace in the world. Accompanied by leaders of religions, youths and other volunteers from ODI, we started to go from door to door, church to church, school to school requesting people humbly to support the Declaration of peace and Cessation of Wars through their signatures. As a fruit of patience and courage, they collected 18,500 signatures out of 20.000 signatures needed. This was publicly circulated and announced by different radios in DRC.”
Reference: http://www.hwpl.kr/en/