Our Environment
It is a Korean environment advertisement. It is a parody of Star Wars, “I am your father”. This ad, created by the Ministry of Environment, was awarded two gold medals in Korea`s top three Advertising Festival. Have you ever been thought about the environment? I did a survey to my friends. When you think of environment, what first comes to your mind? 70% of my friends think of garbage can. In my case, loads of trash catch my eye. I’m not the kind of person who takes care of our environment. I take this opportunity to find out ‘the journey of garbage‘.
“The future will either be green or not at all.” – Bob Brown
Where does our garbage go?
Aren’t you curious about that? I only saw garbage trucks and sanitation workers. Thank you very much for them. How cold it is! It’s so freezing! At dawn, They work hard. If we don’t throw in the garbage, they have to pick up one by one. If workers forgot to pick up, neighboring residents file a civil complaint. They are not full-time civil servants. It was very sorrowful. It breaks my heart. Where does our garbage go? Garbage is carried to a waste disposal site. Who is coming here, in the morning? Mothers should separate the garbage hand by hand. That’s a lot of hard work of the people. I am so grateful. If we understand these people more, we can be happier.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead