1.6 billion Youth support HWPL

IPYG and IWPG are the two wings of HWPL. HWPL is the international peace organization, a group of people who love the global community. We have come together in the noble cause of peace. Political leaders signed the agreement to propose the enactment of international law for the cessation of wars and word peace. After that, DPCW was enacted and it is to be the icon of solution of peace to prevent conflicts and disputes. And religious leaders signed the world alliance of religions agreement. For children, leaders of future, HWPL Peace Education is implemented to know the values of peace. We are leading the future to achieve the common goal of peace.
Mr.Man Hee Lee, the Chairman of HWPL, emphasized “Why is it necessary to draw up a new law? If the existing laws were already complete, it would be unnecessary to draft a new one. But since it is impossible to put an end to wars of this world with the existing laws, I ask you to develop an international legal instrument that can stand as law forever.”
Thus, a new international law has been created that has supplemented the weaknesses of current international law. In 2017, the central american parliament passed a resolution in support of the DPCW. UN permanent representatives of 145 countires recognize the need for the DPCW. In Africa, HWPL and the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) signed MOU. Seychelles, Eswatini, and Comoros expressed support for the DPCW at the NATIONAL LEVEL.
Also, HWPL and the International Centre for Black Sea-Baltic Studies and Consensus Practices (Centre BBS) signed MOU. HWPL and the Institute for Advancced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization (ISACCL) signed MOU.
Reference: http://hwpl.kr/en/news
Empower youth to advocate peace through “Peace Letter”

More citizens as well as youth and women’s organizations are showing support for the DPCW to help national leaders implement this declaration and advocate its adoption in the UN. Youth members read the “Peace Letter” to urge national leaders to realize peace through the DPCW and delivered it directly to around 200 leaders from each country that were in attendance.
Why Youth? Because we can stop those innocent people, especially youth from losing their lives in the futility of war. Who can compensate for one’s life? We don’t want to die. We want to love. We want to sing and dance. Our future is not expendable. If we continue to be victims of war, the pain will not be able to be healed in any way.

One member said “As youth, we are the future leaders, we are dynamic, innovative, and full of energy. So, what we do is going to reflect all these characters that we have in us. In order to support the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, we will need to do what’s best for the youth in our country.”

So far, 170,000 peace letters collected
Obviously, the role of world leaders is a great part to the implementation of the DPCW. However, it is the youth’s role to urge leaders. Youth have the power to move their leaders’ minds. Chairman Lee of HWPL is running with the answer to peace from above. If the answer to world peace is DPCW, 10 Articles and 38 Clauses, the answer to the peace movement of youth is the peace letter. I hope that the youth in this place will also urge their leaders to become peace messengers so that the DPCW can be implemented and developed into a legally binding document.
2019 Youth Peace Conference
Youth Make Tomorrow : Unity & Harmony
On the 18th of Feb, 2019, the “2019 Youth Peace Conference” recalled the role and influence of young people in the world peace and the power of Unity and Harmony, highlighting that each youth should become messenger of peace.
Writing and delivering the Peace Letter activities have reached even to the heads of each state. Youth participants are anticipating it to further advance advocacy activities of young people.
A single individual is weak. But if all the youth of the world unite as one, no one would be able to break them apart. I saw joy and our future in their faces.

The Chairman Man Hee Lee strongly emphasized “We want peace, no matter who we are. While traveling around the globe for a long time, meeting many people, everyone wanted peace. So peace must be achieved.
It will be recorded in the eternal history of future generations. Let’s join in this work of peace and become the messengers of peace. Young people will no longer be victims of war, but protect themselves, and women will also protect children. When we all have one heart, peace will be achieved. Let’s all be the messengers of peace. I wanted to make this request to you, all Youth.
Write a letter to the president of your country and the president of another country and send him a message to make the world a peaceful place together. All men are supposed to be admitted because they have the same mind. If everyone admits it, peace will come to this land. During the 29th world peace tour, all the lawmakers in Africa supported it. The same was true of Europe. Every place wants peace. In times like this, let’s make peace by writing handwritten letters. Heaven will also help all the people of this land.
What will you leave as an inheritance in future generations? Property? Power? Let’s all leave peace as a legacy. We are one. WE ARE ONE!”
Reference: http://hwpl.kr/en/news
#HWPL #ManHeeLee #30th_Peacetour #Australia #IPYG #YouthPeaceConference #Unity #Harmony