28th WORLD PEACE TOUR of HWPL is blowing the wind of peace all over the world. The bright light is settled down in New York. Its title is ‘Conflicts There Affect Us Here’ and subtitle is that ‘Revitalizing the ‘City of Dreams’ Through the Strength of Diversity’. New York City Leaders and Civil Society are gathering for reunification of Korea and peaceful settlement in Yemen. It was hosted by HWPL, IPYG, IWPG, and the Yemeni American Association(YAA) at Columbia University. Governmental and UN officials, international organizations and civil groups are on the panel.
Reunification of Korea
The Korean peninsula is divided for 65 years for the Korean War. As the international community is paying keen attention to the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula like the 2018 inter-Korean summit and the Korea-U.S. summit, HWPL has called for the realization of peace on the Korean Peninsula based on the civil society’s network, including youth and women throughout the world. HWPL hoped that this event can be a platform for dialogue and mutual understanding between different cultural groups.
Why Yemen?
28 years have passed since Yemen was unified. So what’s the problem? However, there are still constant threats to the peace that has been achieved. So the civil society from Korea and Yemen will come together in New York City. The Yemeni American Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving over 50,000 Yemeni American in the U.S. The conclusion that they came up with was ‘cooperation of all sectors‘ for peace. They emphasized that a united civil society is the key ingredient of a better, more accepting world.
Peace Letters
During the event, the attendees have the opportunity to fill out letters for the longing of peace and end of war to each respective heads of state. It is a collaboration with IPYG. Young people, from 84 cities in 50 countries, write peace letters to presidents of each country. How long? Until the president writes signature at DPCW! Most predominantly, letters will be collected and sent to the head of state of South Korea, Yemen, Mali and Senegal. I don’t think we have much time left. Because peace is likely to be achieved too soon. HWPL & YAA show the world that peace is not limited to national boundaries but true peace lies within the heart of each individual, each community.
Original Source : http://www.abc-7.com/story/38288908/new-york-city-leaders-and-civil-society-gathering-for-reunification-of-korea-and-peaceful-settlement-in-yemen