The Current Situation of Yemen
Yemeni Civil War (2015 – present)
In 2014, Houthi rebels took control of the capital Sana’a and a large portion of northern Yemen. President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and his cabinet fled to neighboring Saudi Arabia, where a Saudi-led coalition was formed to counter the Houthi rebellion. The Yemeni Civil War started. It is a humanitarian catastrophe. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) estimates that 14.1 million civilians are dangerously close to starvation.
• Total killed : 50,000+
• Civilians killed : 6,592
• Wounded : 49,960
• Displaced : 3,154,572
• Child died of hunger : 50,000+
A child dies in Yemen every 10 minutes from preventable causes, including severe acute malnutrition and vaccine-preventable disease. There are many complex problems. With the economy in free-fall, parents cannot afford to feed their children. Also water, health care and sanitation all collapsed.
Yemen Peace Education of Children
Nevertheless, the children of Yemen wish that the fighting would stop. They have dreams of peace. They want to go to school and play in the park like children of other countries. I am deeply sorry for their story.
12-year-old Ala’a says “Peace means we don’t hear people talk about war. It means on TV I can watch cartoons instead of watching people die.” She teaches us many things. “I would like to tell them, ‘Do not kill our dreams.’ Stop the war so we can enjoy our childhood and achieve our dreams.” It is a real Peace Education. What can we do for them?
“Children have suffered terribly during more than three years of conflict — at least 6,000 have been killed or seriously injured by the fighting, while over 11 million need humanitarian assistance to survive.”
– UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore
HWPL Peace Education
Looking into a Future of Peace through Peace Education

Four countries have pledged to introduce ‘Peace Education’ in their countries. Guatemala, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and Iraq signed an Agreement with Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL). Officials of the four countries signed the Peace Education Agreement at the HWPL Peace Summit held in Incheon, South Korea on September 17, 2018. Many influential global educators and policymakers gathered to discuss for a future.
The theme of the discussion was “Looking into a Future of Peace through Peace Education.” The Peace Education Project, which is one of the core initiatives of HWPL, was initially proposed as a groundbreaking way to achieve the realization of Article 10, “Spreading a Culture of Peace”, of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).
Also, HWPL and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Kingdom of Cambodiasigned a memorandum of agreement (MOA) to execute peace education nationwide in Cambodia.
If you want to know more
HWPL Peace Education Quotes