The Chairman Man Hee Lee Quotes #15

Please Become a Messenger of Peace!

2019 Conference for the Implementation of the Declaration

“Legislate Peace” – Implementation of the DPCW for Sustainable Development

On the 19th, the second day of the 2019 World Peace Summit, experts and citizens gathered to share the achievements and focused on the “Legislate Peace” (LP) project. They were creating a huge stream of peace.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The Chairman Man Hee Lee Quotes #15 WARPsummit2019 Man Hee Lee Quotes man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPproject hwpl man hee lee HWPL International Law Peace Committee hwpl dpcw DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit #LegislatePeace

Mr. Man Hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL, explained the necessity of introducing new provisions of peace to international law by stating, “It is no small task to introduce new provisions to international law. Then we need to know why new ones are needed. This is because wars cannot be ceased with current international law, and if so, peace cannot come to the world. Current international law makes exceptions for the use of force, so wars cannot be ceased. The HWPL International Law Peace Committee, which is composed of world-renowned experts in law, drafted the DPCW. If you think its content is needed for humanity to live and better than the present, it should be carried out.”.

WARP Summit:
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Online Peace Letter:

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!


Author: master

I am 'a Step towards PEACE'. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. - Gandhi

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