This tweet is mine. I often look for news of peace, of which HWPL stands out and I frequently tweets. Have you ever wondered what is HWPL?
First of all, HWPL is considered the most powerful and practical international NGO. Their short-term achievements are truly remarkable. That’s because HWPL risked his life.
Why? How can?
Let’s find out.
What is HWPL?
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) means to achieve world peace through heavenly culture and restore light. With the purpose of restoring the global community that has been suffering due to wars and conflicts, HWPL wants to go beyond the barriers of culture, religion and beliefs, to respect the core values of peace and life. All individuals, as the messengers of peace, are working together to make a world of SDGs and DPCW.
HWPL, the host of this event, is a peace NGO in Special Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC and associated with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the UN DGC. For the purpose of ceasing all wars and creating a peaceful world as a legacy for future generations, HWPL is building a global peace network. This network includes the HWPL International Law Peace Committee made up of international law experts, 192 members of the HWPL Peace Advisory Council made up of political and community leaders, and 556 HWPL Publicity Ambassadors made up of religious leaders and experts in education and media.

Also, HWPL is cooperating with the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG), which has about 830 youth groups around the world as its affiliates, to lead civil society’s support and participation in building global peace. They are gathering the support of the civil society. 1.8 billion Youth and 3.7 billion Women are the main character.
“When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people, it becomes
the light that never fades away.” – HWPL
HWPL: http://hwpl.kr/en/
IPYG: http://www.ipyg.kr/
IWPG: http://www.iwpg.org/en/
Peace letter for What?
On March 14, 2019, all young men and women send peace letters to world leaders. It is the “Peace Letter” Campaign. In less than a year, 165,782 Peace Letters are sent to 193 Current Presidents of member nations of the United Nations. The main content is that “If you really love the country and the people, please support the DPCW, the definite answer to peace. I hope you’re not remembered as the president who wanted a war for future generations. Please write back.”
Campaigns are being held in 83 cities around the world, including South Korea, the United States, Germany, Britain, Australia, South Africa and Turkey. On March 14, 2019, 3rd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) is being held now. Peace letters, which were collected through the campaign, will be delivered to heads of 193 countries at the same time today.

An official of HWPL said “HWPL has informed former & incumbent leaders of all countries of the DPCW through HWPL 1st~30th world peace tours. This campaign means that experts and civil society will take joint action to focus on the passage of DPCW as a resolution to the General Assembly of the United Nations.”

She emphasized “It is a Key Point.”
Press Conference for the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)
“10 Articles and 38 Clauses of the DPCW:
A Step Towards International Law for Peace in the Korean Peninsula and the World”
At the 14th of March, 2019 2:15pm (GMT+9), HWPL has shared the results of its previous activities to bring the DPCW to the United Nations and the status of international support for the DPCW.
#PressConference #DPCW #HWPL #3rdCommemoration
#Peaceletter #InternationalLaw #Worldpeace
I will continue to promote and share news of the DPCW until it is enacted as international law at the UN and is implemented.