About 200,000 handwritten peace letters have already been sent to incumbent presidents from 193 countries with U.N. membership. Already, young people from all over the world are rising to call for supporting the DPCW.
No one can stop the huge flow.
Peace Letter from Fa’alia
I can’t write down the full text of her letter here, but I’m only going to introduce some.
“When people ask the question ‘What is Samoa like?’, the first word that comes to my mind is “peaceful”. However, peace was not always part of the history of Samoa. Samoa has faced many wars and conflicts throughout its history. These wars and conflicts, like many others, resulted in the loss of life, excruciating pain, social instability and the loss of security.”
According to the 2016 Australian census, there are a total of 75,755 Australians with Samoan ancestry. Usually, Samoans we know are the strongest. But in the history of Samoa, there was so much pain and sadness.
Samoan warriors loyal to Prince Tanu marching through Apia, Samoa in March of 1899 during the Second Samoan Civil War. American sailors and marines are also depicted. / Wikimedia Commons
Let me give you an example. In the Second Samoan Civil War (1898–1899), two leaders fought, so they became two countries, two peoples. What makes the situation worse is foreign intervention. DPCW is blocking this completely. Tanumafili I with United States and United Kingdom vsMata’afa with Germany.
Let’s hear more about this young man who knows the pain of war better than anyone else.
“As an Australian-Samoan youth and as a member of all the youth of this world, I have a duty to stand up and protect the youth of our nation, the youth of Australia and the youth of the world. This is a duty that prevents me from standing by idly and not taking action. I have a duty to help bring hope and peace to our world.”
This is not only his duty. Will you wish others to do it? This is our job, our role and our duty. We must do it. Young people of the world, let’s join them.
Honorable Prime Minister, we humbly ask that you take on this role as part of the forefront of the movement in the Oceanic and Pacific region by providing your support for World Peace and the solution to peace that the DPCW contains. We ask for your support for the DPCW to become a legally binding document in the United Nations in order that it may bring about the peace that our world desperately longs for.
Please become a leader that helps pave the way for peace for all future generations.
Collaboration for Peace Development: Building a Peace Community through the DPCW
From Kim Jae-yeon, my friend
‘The past does not need to be the future. A new world can begin today. It is the last chance for the peace of humanity.’ These sentences come from promotional video of ‘2018 HWPL World Peace Summit: 4th Anniversary of the WARP Summit‘. This video shows very well what kind of mindset when they are dealing with world peace. They think that achieving peace is ‘Out Duty that we have to do’ of our time at any cost. Can you feel their determination? Thousands of leaders and citizens from around the globe will gather for 3 days in Republic of Korea with the great determination of creating a peaceful world together.
The Role of the Youth in Spreading a Culture of Peace for the Realization of World Peace
Peaceful unification on the Korean Peninsula
The IPYGis one of the two wings of HWPL and they are working with the Youth for world peace. With 851 organizations from 111 countries around the world, peace is being realized. (as of October 2017) How much faster do they run? They participated in more than 200 activities and events in 44 countries for peace. How long? ‘Just in this year!’ They show a great power. The reasons for that are eager for peace and youth. In particular, IPYG hosted the Peace Walk, which has been an annual event since 2013. They created a movement to promote the true culture of peace. It is based on Article 10 ‘Spreading a Culture of Peace‘ of the DPCW.
“For World Peace to become a reality, this is the duty of all youth, everywhere.”
Today, she is reading the leaflet with enthusiasm.
IPYG speaks of peace in an era of war and conflict
It was founded in accordance with the spirit of the HWPL. Do you know why HWPL can achieve PEACE? The Definite Answer to Peace is the DPCW and IPYG & IWPG. Then, what is the Role of the Youth? Owners of the future! They protect their future and leave sustainable peace as a legacy for future generations. I think it is very important to nurture the youth becoming peace leaders with a sense of ownership in regard to the future.
“WE YOUTHS, SHARE the love given from above. GATHERas one. PRODUCE works of true peace.”
Urge DPCW : IPYG We Are One!!!
So what do we do for peace? We’re working to bring the DPCW to the United Nations. And it needs the support of presidents in each country to be passed. So you can ask “What can I do?.” I’m going to give you a strong statement. Each country is made up of citizens and the president must listen to them. I really want to ask you. If you acknowledge that this is indeed the answer to peace, please be sure to support and urge your President to pass the DPCW to the United Nations. Then, this DPCW could be established as a real international law, which is the answer to peace. Therefore, your country and you will be remembered around the world as the leading country to support the law of peace for the first time.
2018. 09. 21. 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit: The Role of the Youth
What is the Role of the Youth?
IPYG Peace Letter Campaign
The representative of IPYG said “So I ask you again, but please urge your presidents to support this DPCW. Please write letters to presidents, promote it online & media and support the DPCW! And I hope that you will encourage not only your country, but also the presidents of the rest of the world through the Internet and the media.” It is aligned with the will of the Chairman Man hee Lee of HWPL that “That is why we need to urge all of our presidents. We need to urge them for the world to become peaceful sooner. This isour duty. And, this is what we have to do.”.
#Peaceletters #WeAreOne #IPYG
Dear President Moon Jae-in
“Someone asked me. A young South African man said, ‘I want to convey my
opinion to the President of South Africa. But I don’t think the president will
listen to me.’ So I answered. And I’m going to tell you this because it applies
to us. ‘One person and One voice is weak. But if we come together, we are
stronger than anyone.’ Please remember. You’re not alone. We are one. I’ll shout before finishing. We Are One!!! Thank you very much.” – IPYG
IPYG spreads peace through Heavenly Culture
Peace Parade
Peace Festival in last year
2018 HWPL World Peace Festival
The Role of the Youth in Spreading a Culture of Peace for the Realization of World Peace
Peaceful unification on the Korean Peninsula
Multilingual Global Live Broadcast
2018. 9. 19. Wed. 13:00 GMT +9 ♦ http://www.warpsummit.org
(If you click the ‘Live’ button, you can choose the language and you can watch it again over and over ♥)
IPYG has been working with approximately 846 youth organizations in 111countries around the world (as of October 2017). IPYG Youth Empowerment Peace Workshop! It is a good example of the Youth Empowerment. How much faster do they run? They participated in more than 200 activities and events in 44 countries for peace. How long? ‘Just in this year!‘ They show a great power. The reasons for that are eager for peace and youth. In particular, IPYG hosted the Peace Walk, which has been an annual event since 2013. They created a movement to promote the true culture of peace. It is based on Article 10 of the DPCW.
“For World Peace to become a reality, this is the duty of all youth, everywhere.“
IPYG Youth Empowerment Peace Workshop
It is important for young adults around the world to recognize the importance of safeguarding peace. What is the role of the youth? Owners of the future! They must make the world of peace. To fulfill such vision, IPYG continues to host the Youth Empowerment Peace Workshop. So far, IPYG’s Youth Empowerment Peace Workshops were hosted in the states of Kano, Imo and Katsina in Nigeria.
This time, it was held in Kano State, Nigeria on 14 January 2018.
Dr. Babatunde Adetuniji Oni and Dr. Hakeem Abimbola Olaniyan, Professors of Law at the University of Lagos, design a curriculum dedicated to identifying the ways of making peace a reality in Nigeria. Why do they work so hard? Because they were inspired at the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the September 18th WARP Summit. After participating in the peace education, many students expressed their grief over the current selfish and brutal reality.
A student said “Peace and wars should be clearly distinguished. I realized that peace cannot be achieved by committing wars. I believe this education should reach out to all corners of Nigeria in every field.”
The 15th IAVE Asia Pacific Regional Volunteer Conference & Youth Volunteer Conference was held at Malaysia, on 22 November 2017. The title is that ‘Power of Volunteerism: What have you changed?’. This conference was hosted by Yayasan Salam Malaysia, the biggest volunteer NGO in this area and attended by 610 people from 32 countries. The Youth Conference was inspired by one summit. They discussed for peace in session, the Region-Specific Discussion for the Implementation of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). This peaceful summit is ‘3rd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit 2017′ held in September. At that time, nine Malaysian delegation members discussed action plans under the title of “Establishing Collaborative Governance for Peace“.
The International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) is an international NGO for volunteerism, founded in 1970. IAVE advocates interaction between the governments of each country and civil society.
Peace Education: The Spirit of Ownership for Humankind
HWPL delivered a keynote speech during the opening ceremony of the IAVE conference. One project director of the HWPL said, “The fact that we are the owner of our community, country and furthermore the human society that we belong to…this ownership is the very foundation of volunteerism. What values are sowed in young peoples’ hearts decides our future. Thus, peace education is the most powerful way to inherit the legacy of peace to the future generations for them to obtain this sense of ownership” I think we need many friends who are man of action. But I should look back me first. That’s why peace education is needed.
“Make peace, create peace, be the example of peace. We need peace in the world.” – Pope Francis
IPYG Youth Empowerment Game
It is a role-play game. You can become decision-makerswho have the mission of building a peaceful society. You must achieve peace.
“Politicians ought to promote social integration on the basis of peace and love for humankind. This becomes strong leadership.”
“Religious leaders must become as living textbooks of peace education since they are spiritual leaders who guide 80% of the world’s population.”
“Youth must realize their values and unite with other youths as the main players that are leading society.”
Wafa Aimi, a student of international law at USIM. She is strong and wonderful.
Wafa Aimi, a student of international law at USIM, said “The invention of a legal framework and all these initiatives will give a big impact in order to foster peace at both national and international levels. The DPCW would be a plausible check and balance instrument to limit the inherent rights for a state to resort to a war consonant with other considerations. These are the catalysts of positive changes and it will eventually show its path for developing peace processes in our world. The international community needs a wide-ranging legal approach that can guide and help the citizens, irrespective of their ethnicities, nationalities and religions.
“Although challenges are inevitable in the form of ethnic hatred and religious conflict…but as quoted from HWPL Chairman’s speech at 3rd WARP Summit 2017, “This precious and indispensable gift was bestowed upon the human race as a legacy from heaven. Who must protect our world? It is us, the family of the global village. Neither wealth nor power can be passed down as a heritage if we fail to stop wars. Mankind and our Earth will share a fatal destiny.” I hope that more youth become powerful ‘peace messengers‘.
more info : www.hwpl.kr
This site’s video is really cool.