How to use a franklin planner : Wholehearted

Franklin planner : Motivation

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How to use a franklin planner : Wholehearted Weekly compass Value time management Time Bandit the most precious thing Stephen Covey solitude and planning Role Mission statement Hyrum W. Smith Governing value God helps them that help themselves FranklinCovey franklin planner Benjamin Franklin 7 Habits of Highly Effective People     Franklin said, “God helps them that help themselves”. The Franklin Planner is a paper-based time management system created by Hyrum W. Smith. It is a groundbreaking time management system. Smith named his planning system after Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790), who famously kept a small private book, as detailed in his autobiography. The Franklin Day Planner was first produced in 1984. But in 1997, Franklin Quest and the Covey Leadership Center merged to become FranklinCovey. Covey is that person who we know. A core technique of the Franklin Planner system involves beginning each day with fifteen minutes of “solitude and planning“.

Weekly compass : Your role?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How to use a franklin planner : Wholehearted Weekly compass Value time management Time Bandit the most precious thing Stephen Covey solitude and planning Role Mission statement Hyrum W. Smith Governing value God helps them that help themselves FranklinCovey franklin planner Benjamin Franklin 7 Habits of Highly Effective People     The Franklin Planner is different from other diary. The common diary is to manage your schedule, but Franklin Planner is to manage your life. We already know ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People‘. In this book, Stephen Covey said ‘whole lives’. It is my all-time favorite book. When I was collapsed, I see this book. Franklin Planner is composed of ‘Big Three‘. Role & Governing value & Mission statement. ‘Weekly compass’ is very useful part of this diary. You can check each role & task. In a word, time management is to do the most precious thing first. What’s the greatest enemy? Time Bandit! I’m not saying specific person, but my habit. For example, I waste time in sleeping. Finally, all of those things is about ‘Role & Value‘. It is up to know ‘Who I am’.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How to use a franklin planner : Wholehearted Weekly compass Value time management Time Bandit the most precious thing Stephen Covey solitude and planning Role Mission statement Hyrum W. Smith Governing value God helps them that help themselves FranklinCovey franklin planner Benjamin Franklin 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
if you change nothing nothing will change. -Tony Robbins

Peace is up to you :0 good luck!

Save our children : It is no one’s business

It is no one’s business

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Save our children : It is no one's business young refugee from Somalia Syrian civil war Syria Aleppo Schmoelln Omran Daqneesh Neo-Nazis former US Special Forces eastern Germany David Eubank Bana Alabed Aleppo's bloodied boy. Aleppo's 'boy in the ambulance' Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak A little Reporter in Aleppo   “On September 2, 2015, a three-year-old Syrian refugee, Aylan Kurdi, was found lying on the beach in Bodrum, Turkey.”

“On August 18, 2016,  a five-year-old Syrian boy, Omran Daqneesh, was famous for Aleppo’s ‘boy in the ambulance’ and Aleppo’s bloodied boy.”

“Om October 21, 2016, a young refugee from Somalia who came to Germany to seek asylum and begin a new life in Europe was convinced by Neo-Nazis to throw himself from a tower block in Schmoelln, eastern Germany.”

Our neighborhood Hero

A former US Special Forces, David Eubank, 56, was running into the rain of bullets to save one children with a pink ribbon. He said, “If I die doing this, my wife and kids would understand”. Also I like this word, “I believe God sent me here, and I don’t think about security… but I always ask myself if I’m doing it out of pride.”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Save our children : It is no one's business young refugee from Somalia Syrian civil war Syria Aleppo Schmoelln Omran Daqneesh Neo-Nazis former US Special Forces eastern Germany David Eubank Bana Alabed Aleppo's bloodied boy. Aleppo's 'boy in the ambulance' Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak A little Reporter in Aleppo   A photographer, Abd Alkader Habak, was dashing towards an ambulance with the child and his camera in his arms. He said “This child was firmly holding my hand and looking at me”. And at another shot, he was sobbing on his knees near the boy’s body. “I was overcome with emotion,” he told CNN. “What I and my colleagues witnessed is indescribable.”

Three Children of Syria : Save our children

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Save our children : It is no one's business young refugee from Somalia Syrian civil war Syria Aleppo Schmoelln Omran Daqneesh Neo-Nazis former US Special Forces eastern Germany David Eubank Bana Alabed Aleppo's bloodied boy. Aleppo's 'boy in the ambulance' Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak A little Reporter in Aleppo   Do you remember ‘Alan Kurdi‘? You already know it. He appeared dead on the beach. While trying to go to Europe to avoid civil war, his mother(35) and his brother(5) were drowned. Then all the world wanted to help Syria refugees.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Save our children : It is no one's business young refugee from Somalia Syrian civil war Syria Aleppo Schmoelln Omran Daqneesh Neo-Nazis former US Special Forces eastern Germany David Eubank Bana Alabed Aleppo's bloodied boy. Aleppo's 'boy in the ambulance' Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak A little Reporter in Aleppo

Do you remember ‘Omran Daqneesh‘? He was rescued after being buried in collapsed buildings in Syria Aleppo. One picture shocked people all over the world. He was sitting in an ambulance with stained with blood and dust. I cannot repress my astonishment.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Save our children : It is no one's business young refugee from Somalia Syrian civil war Syria Aleppo Schmoelln Omran Daqneesh Neo-Nazis former US Special Forces eastern Germany David Eubank Bana Alabed Aleppo's bloodied boy. Aleppo's 'boy in the ambulance' Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak A little Reporter in Aleppo   Bana Alabed, who broadcasted the current situation in real time, is also same. She got 233,653 followers. Her first words were “I need peace”. It was retweeted over 1000 times.

This three children informed the world of the misery of the Syrian civil war. They changed world’s movement for Syria.

What can we do?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Save our children : It is no one's business young refugee from Somalia Syrian civil war Syria Aleppo Schmoelln Omran Daqneesh Neo-Nazis former US Special Forces eastern Germany David Eubank Bana Alabed Aleppo's bloodied boy. Aleppo's 'boy in the ambulance' Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak A little Reporter in Aleppo

He was overwhelmed. Habak collapsed. We can do everything!!!!! It will not end in one moment of sentiment!! We can do it and It has to be me!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Save our children : It is no one's business young refugee from Somalia Syrian civil war Syria Aleppo Schmoelln Omran Daqneesh Neo-Nazis former US Special Forces eastern Germany David Eubank Bana Alabed Aleppo's bloodied boy. Aleppo's 'boy in the ambulance' Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak A little Reporter in Aleppo
We can do it!!!

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Mark Manson “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F”

Totally different two men

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Mark Manson "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F" Wall Street Journal Time The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F pretense New York Times Mark Manson life involves pain INFINITY SQUARED MEDIA LLC illusion Forbes CNN Amazon    One man was expelled from school for drug problems. After graduation he wandered friends’ couches because he could not find a job. He spent every day as usual without any definite life goals or strong values. How awful! He doesn’t even have money! The other man is  one of the most influential power bloggers in the United States with more than two million subscribers. He has written columns to various media and is receiving the attention of major media outlets such as CNN, New York Times, Time, Forbes, and Wall Street Journal for his keen insight and direct style. In addition, he established INFINITY SQUARED MEDIA LLC, a global consulting company, and operates it. As you may have already noticed, the above two men are identical. Mark Manson!

Mark Manson : Who is he?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Mark Manson "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F" Wall Street Journal Time The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F pretense New York Times Mark Manson life involves pain INFINITY SQUARED MEDIA LLC illusion Forbes CNN Amazon   Now his media power is second to that of the major media, and he got thousands of emails from the public who want to know the answer of the life day to day. He is busy touring more than 50 countries and teaching people around the world. His book ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life’ was the 53-week bestseller at Amazon and topped the bestseller list of Amazon and New York Times. What is it to they? It can make the turning point in your life. ‘We will leave the most important thing behind and erase anything else!‘ It started from acknowledgment that that life involves pain, not the illusion that I am especially unhappy or the pretense that I should be superior to others.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Mark Manson "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F" Wall Street Journal Time The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F pretense New York Times Mark Manson life involves pain INFINITY SQUARED MEDIA LLC illusion Forbes CNN Amazon
Erase everything!! Admit the pain

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

The key to success in anything : Feedback

How can they grow faster?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The key to success in anything : Feedback Warren Buffett true humility read all day key to success in anything Ithai Stern Humility Honesty Feedback false humility executives     When you look around the company, you must see these people. Someone who have a good hand at anything! They are growing fast because they work faster than others and also are good at relationships. What is the key? Ithai Stern, a management professor at Northwestern University, discovered a very interesting fact when he conducted a study to find out how they became executives of major company. Someone who successfully became executives often seek advice from their superiors. Their questions are “How did you achieve such a successful career? These are my weak points. How can I improve my skills?” They had no qualms about asking for advice. I am moved by this video.(Youtube : Change Ground)

It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results.
– Warren Buffett

The key to success in anything : Can you?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The key to success in anything : Feedback Warren Buffett true humility read all day key to success in anything Ithai Stern Humility Honesty Feedback false humility executives     It is hard to get feedback. It is so painful. I love movies about ‘Growing up’. There are moments when any of the main characters must experience. They realized their lack of skills, and they despair. Finally, they overcome it in a cool way through a lot of training. We in reality are pretty much frustrated. I wanted to grow up as fast as the main characters, but the reality was different. I thought I worked hard, but I didn’t grow up well. And I really don’t like getting a feedback and I feel bad. I couldn’t be honest with me. Warren Buffett is different. He boldly acknowledged his mistakes, learned from them, and moved on, in an annual meeting watched by thousands of people. I think Humility is the most important thing. I don’t say ‘false humility’, I want really true humility.

Honesty is a very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people.
– Warren Buffett

More Tips : Stand on your own two feet

Although you get advice, It is not the end. You must listen and apply it to you constantly. Don’t you wonder Warren Buffett‘s daily routine? Who is he ask for some advice? In his room, there are no stock indicators or TV.(Wow) He read books all day. He has a meeting once a day and often enjoys meditation. Finally, the purpose of listening to others’ advice is to change me. My thoughts, my vision, my inner self must be all changed. When I am changed, I don’t need to be swayed by countless other people’s advice.

I just sit in my office and read all day.
– Warren Buffett

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Fundamental thing for the fruitful New Year

During this last year

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Fundamental thing for the fruitful New Year Thou Shalt Nietzsche Meditation MBSR look back on Logotherapy Kelly McGonigal Growth mindset fundamental fruitful New Year face me During this last year dragon Confidence     How was this year? When you look back on this year, how do you feel? Can it be a fruitful New year? If its problem is converted to ‘I’, It is a very hard problem. Sometimes I really don’t want to look back. Maybe I don’t want to face me. I just avoid it by saying that I don’t have any time to look back. Our thoughts and our words is not just what it appears to be. It depends on our fundamental things. For example, maybe you can’t think like ‘I can do something’. Why do you think like this? It depends on your faith to you, confidence, belief. These invisible and fundamental things is hard to be changed. That’s why it’s more valuable and more important.

For Fruitful New Year

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Fundamental thing for the fruitful New Year Thou Shalt Nietzsche Meditation MBSR look back on Logotherapy Kelly McGonigal Growth mindset fundamental fruitful New Year face me During this last year dragon Confidence     Can you make your New year more fruitful? Are you confident? You think you can do anything? Or you think you can do nothing? From a personal standpoint, neither are important. Confidence isn’t not proportional to your fruitful New year. The problem is fundamental. International companies like Google, Amazon and Facebook already carry on fundamental things. ‘Growth mindset‘ of Kelly McGonigal is famous. Also Meditation, MBSR(Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction program) and Logotherapy are conducted. Actually, so many people suggested the solution. The answers are overflowing. Just I hope you will follow your heart. In Nietzsche, you encounters a dragon, and “Thou Shalt”(meaning “you shall”) glitters on its scales. Kill the dragon. And you become the child.

What matters is what’s inside your heart

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Profound questions at the crossroads of life and death

At the crossroads of life and death

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Profound questions at the crossroads of life and death religions Protestantism Muslim lung cancer Irreligion Hinduism George Bernard Shaw crossroads of life and death Catholicism Buddhism Beware of false knowledge Atheism   “It would be better to live long~ But this year, our old man is dead. I should be dead~” One grandmother, terminally ill with lung cancer(Stage 4) said. I’m a medical student. Since doctors stood at the crossroads of life and death, It seems to think more about ‘death‘. Anyone, who are sentenced to death by disease, has no choice but to sob deeply. Frankly, the death is difficult to deal well with for whoever. When I stay at patient’s room, I can see all kinds of religions, Buddhism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Muslim, Atheism, Irreligion. They are so in fear of death. But I’m helpless. I can’t help them. I only can prolong their life for a few year. Everything is because of ‘Ignorance‘.

Beware of false knowledge

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Profound questions at the crossroads of life and death religions Protestantism Muslim lung cancer Irreligion Hinduism George Bernard Shaw crossroads of life and death Catholicism Buddhism Beware of false knowledge Atheism     The reason we are enveloped by fear for death is ‘Ignorance‘. Not only we didn’t know death well, but also we didn’t really think about it. You can think “What can I do if everything I believed is wrong?” or you want to believe you’re right. But you must keep in mind “Beware of false knowledge. It is more dangerous than ignorance.“, George Bernard Shaw said. If you know exactly, the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32) You can feel relieved. In the Christian world now, everyone knew that ‘If people die, immediately they live in heaven or hell forever.’ Have you ever have a question? If so, what should our ancestors who died before the spread of the Christian faith do? It is so unfair. Is it God unfair? Nope. Maybe, I’m wrong.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Where does our garbage go?

Our Environment

It is a Korean environment advertisement. It is a parody of Star Wars, “I am your father”. This ad, created by the Ministry of Environment, was awarded two gold medals in Korea`s top three Advertising Festival. Have you ever been thought about the environment? I did a survey to my friends. When you think of environment, what first comes to your mind? 70% of my friends think of garbage can.  In my case, loads of trash catch my eye. I’m not the kind of person who takes care of our environment. I take this opportunity to find out ‘the journey of garbage‘.

The future will either be green or not at all.” – Bob Brown

Where does our garbage go?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Where does our garbage go? Where does our garbage go? the journey of garbage Our Environment Margaret Mead I am your father garbage can Environmental quotes Bob Brown     Aren’t you curious about that? I only saw garbage trucks and sanitation workers. Thank you very much for them. How cold it is! It’s so freezing! At dawn, They work hard. If we don’t throw in the garbage, they have to pick up one by one. If workers forgot to pick up, neighboring residents file a civil complaint. They are not full-time civil servants. It was very sorrowful. It breaks my heart. Where does our garbage go? Garbage is carried to a waste disposal site. Who is coming here, in the morning? Mothers should separate the garbage hand by hand. That’s a lot of hard work of the people. I am so grateful. If we understand these people more, we can be happier.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Counseling learning Quotes

Counseling learning

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Counseling learning Quotes What is counseling? Shannon L. Alder Roopleen professional guidance Counseling learning Quotes Counseling learning Asa Don Brown     What is counseling? It is a professional guidance of the individual by utilizing psychological methods especially in collecting case history data, using various techniques of the personal interview, and testing interests and aptitudes.(Merriam-Webster) Key point is two. First, It is not temporary. It is a continuing and in-depth process. Second, It makes you positive changes. If  you don’t change at all, It is like that you don’t get a counseling. It is very difficult but valuable thing. Have you ever been got a counseling? I do. Frankly, I like it a lot and I want to learn counseling more. Next time, I will post  more information.

Counseling learning QuotesA STEP TOWARDS PEACE Counseling learning Quotes What is counseling? Shannon L. Alder Roopleen professional guidance Counseling learning Quotes Counseling learning Asa Don Brown

Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.
― Roopleen, Words to inspire the winner in YOU

Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.
― Shannon L. Alder

All children should be taught to unconditionally accept, approve, admire, appreciate, forgive, trust, and ultimately, love their own person.
― Asa Don Brown

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Good advertising tips “David Ogilvy”

Father of advertising : David Ogilvy

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Good advertising tips "David Ogilvy" Values Good advertising tips Gallup Father of advertising David Ogilvy's quotes David Ogilvy Confessions of An Advertising Man   Who is David Ogilvy? He is known as the father of advertising. Wandering about library, I read his book, ‘Confessions of An Advertising Man’. I am very interested in advertising. When I saw the flow of advertising world, he made a giant leap for advertising. First, he set up basic principles about ‘What is Good advertising tips?’. Second is the research. These rules is not based on just Ogilvy’s feelings. Thoroughly it is based on research which Ogilvy’s company did. His company is the Ogilvy & Mather. He is famous for the prime mover in the company’s rise to international success. Third, I think his values make it possible. I will say more about Third & his quotes.

Good advertising tips : Life Values

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Good advertising tips "David Ogilvy" Values Good advertising tips Gallup Father of advertising David Ogilvy's quotes David Ogilvy Confessions of An Advertising Man      Values denote the degree of importance of some thing or action(wiki). It is closely related with his Life. Different from his late success, he drop out of Oxford University. When he was a sophomore, his father’s business was badly hit. How long do he have part-time jobs? He had not a good career up to 39. 39!!! Chef, stove seller, researcher of Gallup. When he was 39, he decided to go ‘advertising world’. Because he think it is interesting. Surprisingly, he started to succeed fast! Why? His experience makes it possible. He learned leadership from one chief. He learned the need to research from Gallup. These make difference. Next, his quotes will show you his values.

David Ogilvy’s quotes

If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants

Hard work, says the Scottish proverb, never killed a man. People die of boredom and disease. There is nothing like an occasional all-night push to enliven morale – provided you are part of the push. Never leave the bridge in a storm.

Set yourself to becoming the best-informed person in the agency on the account to which you are assigned. If, for example, it is a gasoline account, read books on oil geology and the production of petroleum products. Read the trade journals in the field. Spend Saturday mornings in service stations, talking to motorists. Visit your client’s refineries and research laboratories. At the end of your first year, you will know more about the oil business than your boss, and be ready to succeed him. Most

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

How to write well : Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How to write well : Ernest Hemingway Study the greats Iceberg Theory How to write well Ernest Hemingway 'The Old Man and the Sea'   Who is Ernest Hemingway? He is famous for manly style. We already know ‘The Old Man and the Sea’, his most popular work. So he earned him a Pulitzer Prize in 1953, and in 1954 Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for Literature “for his mastery of the art of narrative”. Hemingway called his style the Iceberg Theory: the facts float above water. The supporting structure and symbolism operate out of sight. Hemingway believed the writer could describe one thing though an entirely different thing occurs below the surface. More surprisingly, About 70 percent of the sentences are childlike simple sentences. He made no pretence.

All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” – Hemingway

How to write well

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How to write well : Ernest Hemingway Study the greats Iceberg Theory How to write well Ernest Hemingway 'The Old Man and the Sea'     In the spring of 1934, Arnold Samuelson who is feeling discouraged over his writing go to find his mentor, Ernest Hemingway. He was impressed by the 22-year-old’s seriousness and dedication. In a 1935 article for Esquire magazine, Hemingway shared some of this advice.

1. “Always stop when you’re going good”

“How much should you write in a day?” Hemingway answered.

“The best way is always to stop when you are going good and when you know what will happen next. If you do that every day when you are writing a novel you will never be stuck. That is the most valuable thing I can tell you so try to remember it.”

2. “Block out negative thoughts”

How can writers stop themselves from worrying about whether they can maintain the creativity?

Once you are into the novel it is as cowardly to worry about whether you can go on to the next day as to worry about having to go into inevitable action. You have to go on. So there is no sense to worry… As soon as you start to think about it stop it. Think about something else. You have to learn that to write a novel. The hard part about a novel is to finish it.

3. “Study the greats”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How to write well : Ernest Hemingway Study the greats Iceberg Theory How to write well Ernest Hemingway 'The Old Man and the Sea'   Hemingway gave Samuelson a long list of books to read and told.

[A writer] should have read everything so that he knows what he has to beat… The only people for a serious writer to compete with are the dead that he knows are good. It is like a miler running against the clock rather than simply trying to beat whoever is in the race with him. Unless he runs against time he will never know what he is capable of attaining.

4. “Sharpen your observational skills’

I think you already have heard many times. He said “Watch what happens today.” If we get into a fish see exact it is that everyone does. If you get a kick out of it while he is jumping remember back until you see exactly what the action was that gave you that emotion. Whether it was the rising of the line from the water and the way it tightened like a fiddle string until drops started from it, or the way he smashed and threw water when he jumped.

…Then write it down making it clear so the reader will see it too and have the same feeling you had. Thatʼs a five finger exercise.

5. “Practice empathy”

He said, “Then get in somebody elseʼs head for a change. If I bawl you out try to figure out what Iʼm thinking about as well as how you feel about it. If Carlos curses Juan think what both their sides of it are. Donʼt just think who is right…As a man you know who is right and who is wrong… As a writer you should not judge. You should understand…Listen now. When people talk listen completely. Donʼt be thinking what youʼre going to say. Most people never listen.

Write the best story that you can and write it as straight as you can.” –Hemingway

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!