The Chairman Man Hee Lee Quotes #2

Mr.Man Hee Lee biography Do you know why people say ‘Mr.Man Hee Lee is a messenger of peace’? Because he has the definite answer to peace. He is a Korean War veteran, knows the horrors of war than a person ever knew. In his biography, “I struggled to survive. The sounds of guns, cannons, jets, and bombs did … Continue reading “The Chairman Man Hee Lee Quotes #2”

The Chairman Man Hee Lee Quotes

Mr.Man Hee Lee biography Do you know why people say ‘Mr.Man Hee Lee is a messenger of peace’? Because he has the definite answer to peace. He is a Korean War veteran, knows the horrors of war than a person ever knew. In his biography, “I struggled to survive. The sounds of guns, cannons, jets, and … Continue reading “The Chairman Man Hee Lee Quotes”

New York City gathering for Korea and Yemen

28th WORLD PEACE TOUR   28th WORLD PEACE TOUR of HWPL is blowing the wind of peace all over the world. The bright light is settled down in New York. Its title is ‘Conflicts There Affect Us Here’ and subtitle is that ‘Revitalizing the ‘City of Dreams’ Through the Strength of Diversity’. New York City Leaders … Continue reading “New York City gathering for Korea and Yemen”