As Romania holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first half of 2019, a peace conference was held on 1-2 April in Bucharest. The conference was hosted by the ISACCL in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Romania, HWPL, Centre for BBS, University of Bucharest, SNSPA, FRD and Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics.
HWPL was on 31st World Peace Tour. I’ve never heard of a private organization in a far and small country doing this. This is really a huge thing.
Hon. Emil Constantinescu, Former President of Romania, said “It is necessary to have political and military cooperation based on the mutual trust for the unification. If we plan with the foundation of the precedents of Eastern Europe’s transition from communism to democracy, along with international exchange, it will be of great help for us to establish worldwide governance that the whole world needs.”
Mr. Man Hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL, said “How would the world think of a people who point guns at each other? North and South Korean leaders should bear this in mind. As seen in the case of Germany, reunification should be achieved by the people, not politics or law. If North and South Korean people come forward to reunify, nothing will stop them.”
Mr. Dragomir Marian, President of Master Peace, said “Through Peace Education over 5 terms, we have educated children how to prevent and resolve conflicts and violence. Peace exists in the context of family, fellow groups, and societies. Through education, we have realized that teaching the principles of peace in the early stage of life can transform the youth to embrace peace.”
Mr. Man Hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL, said “Who should first be the teacher of children in the world? It is their families, their neighbors, and the society. For a peaceful world, it is not too late to start this work of peace now.”
Since it’s going to be followed by the first episode, I hope you read the first episode.
“And with this young man, many people are more involved in this because they have discovered that DPCW’s hopes can be realized. So what is the basis of that conviction?”
“There are three main points: The first is the perfect configuration of the DPCW, which consists of a full resolution of the dispute. Based on world documents on human rights and peace, such as the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are additional fundamental solutions to conflicts between religions and peoples, including ways to maintain a peaceful world through HWPL Peace Education and Spreading a Culture of Peace. So the DPCW has the perfect composition of conflict prevention, conflict mediation and securing sustainable peace.”
“The second is feasibility. DPCW is only three years old, but it is gaining tremendous support of citizens all over the world and support of the national level. It has received formal support from the Pan-African Parliament, a group of 55 African National Assembly speakers, a gathering of ministers and above-level officials from eight Pacific Islands, the Central American Parliament and the former presidents of Eastern Europe, as well as MOUs and official documents.
Also, when the Chairman Man Hee Lee introduced the DPCW at UN headquarters, delegates from 145 countries gave a standing ovation.”
“From a civil society perspective, more than 1.3 million citizens around the world support the DPCW with signatures and peace letters campaign. On March 14, citizens from all over the world wrote letters of peace and sent them to Presidents and Prime ministers of 192 countries to urge the need for DPCW and support from countries, and the media around the world reported it extensively, and the world cheered.”
“Finally, the power of the DPCW is the Chairman of HWPL, Man Hee Lee. Six years ago, when the new international law did not exist, he announced the “Declaration of World Peace” here. It included a his plan to create a new international law. Three years later, he announced the DPCW, the substance of the promise and he created the Peace Letter Campaign, which urges presidents around the world. The whole family in the world follows him, because he has a clear answer and leadership.
For example, no matter where he go on world peace tour, families of peace in neighboring countries gather to help and participate in Lee’s tour. When we see families of peace in each country running and putting everything aside to help Lee, we feel confident that he is a world leader who can change the world and lead people in one direction.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, this DPCW you’re seeing today is the hope of a global family and the power to change the world. To that end, this 6th 525 Peace Walk sent letters of peace to not only the president, but also the high-ranking leaders of the world at the same time. I’ve shown to the leaders how much citizens, who are masters of the country, want the DPCW because the President can’t move on only his own.
And today, in particular, we will take a peace walk with the wishes of each president to reply to the Peace Letter we sent around the world. The land where we take this step of peace will be transformed into a world of peace, and the sound of it will be a voice that changes the world.
Citizens around the world who are with us, HWPL, IPYG, will not stop our step until the President of each country hears and acknowledges the message, urging support for the DPCW.
Ladies and gentlemen, we will now serve the Chairman Man Hee Lee, the source of this power of peace. Check for yourself! The Chairman Lee declared it here, and made the work of peace. Come on, let’s run together.
Until our dreams come true. We are one! Thank you.”
IPYG has also collected around 400,000 Peace Letters and has delivered them to the Presidents of 193 member states of the United Nations. The campaign is aimed to develop the DPCW into a legally binding document by submitting it as a resolution to the UN.
It also has to do with the answer of “Why has the existing international law not made peace?” Because it is not legally binding. So, how will the HWPL solve this problem? The answer was in “Civil Society.” If everyone speaks in one direction, that means there is nothing that can stop it.
Why do we urge replies?
The movement to support the DPCW is already global. The official support of the state has already been made in many countries. There has also been a series of support from influential groups.
In 2017, the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN) officially passed a resolution to support the DPCW. Also, the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), which represents all citizens of 55 countries of the African Continent, the International Centre for Black Sea-Baltic Studies and Consensus Practices (Centre BBS), which consisted of so many former European Presidents, and 145 United Nations officials also supported the DPCW.
This huge flow is so strong that no one can stop it.
At the 6th Peace Walk, participants will call for replies from the heads of state to the peace letters and additional messages of peace written by citizens will be delivered to high-level officials of governments and international organizations in 193 different countries worldwide.
The World’s Call for Peace, Urging Support for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
6th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the Peace Walk
Date: May, 25th, 2019 10:30(GMT+9)
You won’t regret it. You can watch it again after the live time.
Subtitle: Civil Society’s Role for Peaceful Unification of the Korean Peninsula
Thursday, 14 March 2019, 4:00 PM (GMT+9)
The 3rd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) was held on 14 March 2019 in Seoul, Korea and other major cities around the world. They shared the outcomes of activities undertaken to introduce the 10 articles and 38 clauses of the DPCW to the United Nations and the present status of the international community’s support.
Mr.Pravin H. Parekh, President of the Confederation of Indian Bar and HWPL International Law Peace Committee Chairperson, said “I am very happy to attend the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the DPCW to review and discuss the inclusion of DPCW in the curriculum of law school students in order to achieve real world peace. Mr.Man Hee Lee created the right consciousness of students and teachers around the world. The Chairman Lee is committed to ensuring that all countries and citizens have a dream of achieving world peace.
He says that world peace can be achieved when there is supports from all countries around the world, as well as the support of UN, UNESCO and UNICEF. Mr.Lee continues to contact not only the United Nations and other international organizations, but also the rulers and intellectuals of other countries for world peace. Young people, including schools and universities, are huge supporters of HWPL. We are fighting for a harmonious world against clearly exceeding cruelty, violence and imbalance.
At this moment, every young man, every woman, every citizen is sending Peace Letters to representatives of each country. Peace Letter appeals to the presidents of each country to support DPCW to be introduced to the United Nations. And we will adopt DPCW through the United Nations. Today will be remembered as an important day in an effort to achieve global peace. We are one.”
Also, around 30,000 participants discussed the role of civil society for peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula. Through a lecture on “Civil Society’s Role for Peaceful Unification, Exchange, and Cooperation of the Korean Peninsula,” there will be a discussion on cooperation for building up social consensus on peace and unification among civil society. They also had time to write peace letters to PresidentMoon Jae-in as a kind of “Peace Letter Campaign.” What did they say to the president?
The President Moon is now in Malaysia. ASEAN is very important to Korea. At the interview with Asia News Network, President Moon emphasized “Peace & Prosperity.” He’s really made a lot of effort for peace so far. From the PyeongChang Peace Olympics to Inter-Korean summits with Kim Jong-un, Moon placed the greatest value on peace.
If you want to know more about Peace on the Korean Peninsula
Hello, Mr. President. I am a college student who loves peace. I know that you are always trying to make peace and that you are still working hard. But I know it’s a lot of trouble. Like Socrates, you’re acting as a midwife, but there are times when things don’t work out. As a Korean, I am studying abroad in Sydney now, but I am very sorry.
I remember you, Mr. President, who was a human rights lawyer. Human-centered politics has touched the hearts of countless people. Also, I remember you said at the UN General Assembly that “ending the Korean War” is an “urgent task.” (Reference) I completely agree with you. But why hasn’t it been done yet? Do you know how to achieve peace on the Korean Peninsula? How on earth can we do this?
The answer is “Civil Society.” The Role of Civil Society is really important. That’s why HWPL associated with IPYG and IWPG. IPYG brings 1.8 billion young people from all over the world together and IWPG brings 3.7 billion women from all over the world together. If citizens around the world shout in one direction with one voice, which leader can stop it? We can do it. You can’t do it because you don’t.
Is this just a young man’s dream? Is it naive? If that’s my only story, of course, it could be. But HWPL makes a difference. Because there’s a huge number of people coming to HWPL. Why is that? HWPL is considered by foreign media and experts to be the most powerful and practical international NGO. The real reason is that HWPL has the answer to peace, “the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).”
DPCW, declared on March 14, 2016, was created by 21 prominent international law professionals, “The HWPL International Peace Law Committee.” H.E. Viktor Yushchhenko, Former President of Ukraine, said “The Declaration on Peace and the Cessation of War (DPCW) is a full and measured document and it is worth supporting political leaders and citizens around the world.” In particular, I think the Article 5 of the DPCW can help us. Some of the following are excerpts.
Article 5 – Self-determination
1. The duty of every state to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any other state includes the duty not to engage in any action that would result in the dismemberment of any state, or force the secession or annexation of any territorial unit from that state.
2. Subject to the right to self-determination of peoples, states shall not engage in any intervention that seeks to divide or separate a state in a manner that is contrary to the rules of international law.
3. Subject to the provisions of the present article, States should encourage identifiable nation-states that have been divided by longstanding external or historical factors to engage in co-operation and dialogue. States should ensure that divided peoples are provided with their right to self-determination, including, inter alia, measures which may result in unified government.
President Moon Jae-in, if you really love the people and the country, please sign the DPCW!
IPYG all over the world is urging presidents from around the world to sign the DPCW. In less than a year, 165,782 Peace Letters were collected. DPCW already has national supports such as Seychelles, Eswatini, and Comoros. In 2017, the central american parliament passed a resolution in support of the DPCW. Also, the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), which represents all citizens of 55 countries of the African Continent, the International Centre for Black Sea-Baltic Studies and Consensus Practices (Centre BBS), which consisted of former European Presidents, and 145 United Nations officials also supported the DPCW.
Please support the DPCW to be introduced into the U.N. resolution and to be legally binding all over the world.
It’s our Korea that put a gun to our fellow countrymen’s chest. You know the pain of war, don’t you? Why should we be divided under longstanding external and historical factors? It is the only divided country in the world. Who can pay back the lives of countless young men who died in the war?
Mr. President, I don’t want to die. I want to love, dream and sing. Your choice is very important now. Please sign the DPCW. If not, please let me know why. We can do it! Why not?
I don’t want you to be remembered as a president to future generations who wanted war. I hope you to be remembered as the president who took the lead over anyone else for peace. Pleas write back.
Thanks for reading my peace letter, President Moon Jae-in.
On 6th of June, 2018, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted the resolution 2419 (2018) to call on increasing the representation of young people. The resolution was crafted to recognize the role youth could play in conflict prevention and resolutions while “advancing sustainable peace” and “spreading a culture of peace.”
In order to develop the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) into a legally binding form, it is essential to raise awareness and mobilize support from heads of states and nations. To that end, the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) has been urging the heads of state and government officials for their support by delivering Peace Letters written and gathered through youth and civil organizations.
Youth, holding a pen instead of weapon
Youth of 23 countries have participated and the handwritten peace letters have been delivered to 9former/current presidents and prime ministers in 8 countries.
In particular, as Korea still remains the only divided nation in the world, Korean youth have been writing to mayors, lawmakers, prime ministers and the president of Korea with a hope that the DPCW will realize peaceful reunification on the Korean Peninsula. About 165,782 letters have been collected so far (as of Feb 2019)
What is the difference between existing international law? The biggest problem with international law at present is that it is not legally binding. Therefore, DPCW includes the direction of legally binding and legal force.
The existing international law contains elements in which a powerful nation can create disputes along its interests. According to Article 1 “Prohibition of the threat or use of force” and Article 3 “Friendly relations and the prohibition of acts of aggression”, States should abstain from interference in other States, whatever its motives or purposes. And States should condemn the illegal occupation of territory and should criminalize in their domestic law.
10 Articles of the DPCW consisted of “Conflict prevention (Article 1~5) “, “Conflict mediation (Article 6~7)” and “Securing sustainable peace (Article 8~10).” Conflict prevention encourages states to cooperate in gradual disarmament, repurpose weapon-manufacturing facilities for the benefit of humanity. And don’t invade. When there are interstate problems, the state itself decides its own fate.
How can do the DPCW mediate Conflict? Through the UN Security Council, the International Court of Justice, other judicial bodies, regional judicial arrangements, the DPCW will settle disputes. Then you may be able to ask this question. “How can international peace be maintained through the UN Security Council when the UN Security Council is now composed primarily of powerful nations?” But the DPCW involves changing international organizations like the United Nations Security Council to function properly.
Lastly, Securing sustainable peace is important for future generations. Religion is the most important part of people’s ideology. In other words, this is a factor that can cause conflict among people. In fact, it accounts for 80 percent of the causes of war. Therefore, religion should be united, and religious leaders should take the lead in the peace movement. And through peace education for young children, it creates an eternal culture of peace.
The answer is “Civil Society!” That’s why HWPL works with IPYG and IWPG. Peace comes when all citizens around the world are watching. The President cannot ignore the people. The owner of the state is the people, and the president is not at his disposal because the people vote. When citizens around the world shout in one voice, in one direction, nothing can ever ignore it. A national leader can’t help but keep up with the citizens.
The HWPL is where 1.8 billion Youth and 3.7 billion Women gathered to achieve peace. So, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of implementing a legally binding international instrument based on the DPCW, HWPL is encouraging states for the submission and adoption of the document at the UN General Assembly. It must get votes in favor at least two-thirds of the 193 ambassadors of the United Nations member states.
Already, UN permanent representatives of 145 countries recognize the need for the DPCW. In 2017, the central american parliament passed a resolution in support of the DPCW. In Africa, HWPL and the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) signed MOU to support the DPCW. The PAP is the legislative body of the African Union consisting of 55 countries of the continent of Africa. This means the support of the entire continent of Africa.
In Europe, the International Centre for Black Sea-Baltic Studies and Consensus Practices (Centre BBS), which is headed by a group of former European national leaders, signed the MOU with HWPL. Not at all, Seychelles, Eswatini, and Comoros expressed support for the DPCW at the NATIONAL LEVEL.
3rd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)
Civil Society’s Role for Peaceful Unification of the Korean Peninsula
At 14th of March, 2019, It will be held all over the world. On 14th of March, Everyone in the world should write Peace Letters to support the DPCW. “Dear President, Here is the Answer to Peace. Why not? Do you want war? If you really love your country and people, you should support the DPCW.” What is your choice? Endless War or Peaceful Future? This choice now we do will be remembered forever in future generations. Sign the DPCW!
Mr. President, did you receive our peace letters? Please write back. This is a time of peace. All things have helped us. So, our beginning is a success.
On the 16th of September, The ‘Goseong Peace Conference’ was attended by the International Centre for Black Sea-Baltic Studies and Consensus Practices (Centre BBS), which is headed by a group of former European national leaders.
Mr. Man Hee Lee was stressing the responsibilities of global leaders to work together for peace according to the pledge contained in this peace agreement.
Also Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL said, “I hope this talk would create a new future and form a peaceful world. We know that everyone wants peace and the end of war. I haven’t seen anyone who wants war. When we achieve peace, our future generation will remember us forever.”