25 May, 2017 Peace Walk& 4th Declaration of World Peace!!! I’m Here!!!

25 May, 2017 Peace Walk in the field

Wow It’s a very hot day but my heart is cool. Now that I have had their say, It’s like cold water. I Did you have lunch well? I’m full!!! Although I didn’t eat a lot of rice, this impression is really feeding my soul. Did you listen passionate shouts? We are one!!!!! Cry out for Peace!!! The energy in the field here is amazing!!! I want to be with you.

HWPL chair man : Man-hee Lee

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 25 May, 2017 Peace Walk& 4th Declaration of World Peace!!! I'm Here!!! Peace walk Peace Man Hee Lee IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW 4th Annual Commemoration of Declaration of World Peace 25 May 2017

International law

If the current international law is perfect, we didn’t legislate an international law. All young men want peace, not war. Everyone should agree this international law proposed in the UN.


Not bring peace to someone who stand still. We have to make peace. If incumbent presidents aren’t doing works of peace, future generations would have a bone to pick with presidents. In Peace! We Are One!


Religion should be one and country, global village should also be one!

IWPG director

Nothing can stop the orders of the sky and it is the hope of mankind. I come here everything behind because Solution of Peace is here! Mothers are hope for peace! If you believe in a can-do attitude, you can do it!

IPYG manager

Bad leadership stop change, but also start a war and violenceYouth is awakening! If we work together, we can make a better world. Although a stumbling block is here, we have a hope! We count on Lee’s leadership! Youth!!! has your hope!!! 

Are you curious? Hold the line, please.

Peace is up to you. 🙂 Good luck!


Official page : http://hwpl.kr/en/project/peaceWalk

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 25 May, 2017 Peace Walk& 4th Declaration of World Peace!!! I'm Here!!! Peace walk Peace Man Hee Lee IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW 4th Annual Commemoration of Declaration of World Peace 25 May 2017   Promotional video :
1. 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace_Promo | HWPL
2. 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace_Typography | HWPL



25 May, 2017 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #4

Peace Walk : 25 May, 2017!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 25 May, 2017 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #4 the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) offices Terror Peace walk our mother Manheelee Manchester's albert square IWPG IPYG HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee HWPL International Law Peace Committee HWPL father and my sisters Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) catastrophe attacks and war Advisory Council / Publicity Ambassadors 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace 25 May    What day is tomorrow? The day I sleep late? Nope. Tomorrow is 25 May! It is 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace. It started by HWPL(Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light) with IPYG & IWPG. HWPL is working in conjunction with the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG). Their mission is achieving world peace and the cessation of war. Why do we do that?

Why do we Gather?

Why do we achieve world peace and the cessation of war?

  As you know, Crowds gather for vigil in Manchester’s albert square on 23 May, 2017. Many crowds are angry and sorrowful. Terror, attacks and war are everywhere in the world. It is happening right now when just we can’t see, hear and can’t think about this catastrophe. It is real. It is not fantasy and a movie. Now, millions of people are dying from lack of food, shelter and medical aid. They can be our mother, father and my sisters. Are you angry? But movement is more important than just anger. We have to do more than just talk. How can we achieve? How can? What can we do? It is important.

How can we achieve?

Two steps

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 25 May, 2017 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #4 the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) offices Terror Peace walk our mother Manheelee Manchester's albert square IWPG IPYG HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee HWPL International Law Peace Committee HWPL father and my sisters Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) catastrophe attacks and war Advisory Council / Publicity Ambassadors 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace 25 May   HWPL‘s SOLUTIONS are  ‘International Law for Peace and Cessation of War‘ and ‘Alliance of Religions‘.

This mission appears to be the*Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) and *the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) offices.

It is possible if you come

How many people are here?

Three groups

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 25 May, 2017 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #4 the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) offices Terror Peace walk our mother Manheelee Manchester's albert square IWPG IPYG HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee HWPL International Law Peace Committee HWPL father and my sisters Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) catastrophe attacks and war Advisory Council / Publicity Ambassadors 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace 25 May

There are HWPL International Law Peace CommitteeAdvisory Council / Publicity Ambassadors and HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 25 May, 2017 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #4 the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) offices Terror Peace walk our mother Manheelee Manchester's albert square IWPG IPYG HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee HWPL International Law Peace Committee HWPL father and my sisters Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) catastrophe attacks and war Advisory Council / Publicity Ambassadors 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace 25 May   HWPL International Law Peace Committee is comprised of renowned international law experts from 15 countries. Their goal is to legislate the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).

Advisory Council / Publicity AmbasA STEP TOWARDS PEACE 25 May, 2017 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #4 the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) offices Terror Peace walk our mother Manheelee Manchester's albert square IWPG IPYG HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee HWPL International Law Peace Committee HWPL father and my sisters Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) catastrophe attacks and war Advisory Council / Publicity Ambassadors 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace 25 May   sadors

HWPL Advisory Council consists of distinguished world leaders. HWPL Publicity Ambassadors are well-known personalities. They make a promise to participate in publicizing.

HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 25 May, 2017 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #4 the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) offices Terror Peace walk our mother Manheelee Manchester's albert square IWPG IPYG HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee HWPL International Law Peace Committee HWPL father and my sisters Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) catastrophe attacks and war Advisory Council / Publicity Ambassadors 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace 25 May   It consists of active members of the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG). 200,000 people will gather tomorrow in the world! You and I! Peace is Here! Peace is possible if you come with us.

Let’s go peace walk with 200,000 !

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!

25 May, 2017 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk

HWPL at a glance : 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #3

HWPL at a glance : Follow me

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL at a glance : 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #3 World Alliance of Religions' Peace WARP the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Philippines Peace walk Mindanao IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace
the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) & DPCW & WARP

HWPL is working in conjunction with the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG). Let’s walk with me!

25 May, 2013 Proclamation of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL at a glance : 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #3 World Alliance of Religions' Peace WARP the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Philippines Peace walk Mindanao IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace
Proclamation of the Declaration of World Peace at the World Peace Gate in Seoul Olympic Park

Declaration is over here. I find a new meaning each time, whenever I read it. The existence of Declaration itself deeply touched me. Peace has begun!

24 March, 2014 Sign private peace treaty in Mindanao Island, Philippines

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL at a glance : 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #3 World Alliance of Religions' Peace WARP the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Philippines Peace walk Mindanao IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace
24 March, 2014 Sign private peace treaty between Roman Catholic and Muslim in Mindanao Island, Philippines

Peace treaty is between Roman Catholic and Muslim in Mindanao Island, Philippines. It’s a real. Mindanao civil war for 40 years and 140,000 died. How do they make peace? He prayed to God before to go Mindanao. He said “I won’t go if God don’t accompany me.” He called all the political leaders, religious leaders and citizens together in one place.

“Raise your hands!! If you want peace!!”, he shouted. Everyone raised their hands!!!! So two leader of Catholic and Muslim signed the peace agreement. 

It gave me the chills. 40 years of Catholic and Muslim religious war was over. 

18 September, 2014 The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit in Korea

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL at a glance : 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #3 World Alliance of Religions' Peace WARP the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Philippines Peace walk Mindanao IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace
The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit in Korea

25 May, 2015 The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace in Mindanao, Philippines

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL at a glance : 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #3 World Alliance of Religions' Peace WARP the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Philippines Peace walk Mindanao IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace
The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace in Mindanao, Philippines

18 September, 2015 The 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL at a glance : 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #3 World Alliance of Religions' Peace WARP the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Philippines Peace walk Mindanao IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace
The 1st Annual Commemoration of the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit

January, 2016 The Commemoration of the Signing of the Mindanao Peace Agreement

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL at a glance : 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #3 World Alliance of Religions' Peace WARP the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Philippines Peace walk Mindanao IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace
The Commemoration of the Signing of the Mindanao Peace Agreement

After 2 years, 10,000 people are in line to greet the HWPL, they established ‘HWPL Day‘ on March 14th and they erected the monument.

“Man Hee Lee, brought a powerful message that adds to the power to achieve peace that we hope and desire. It means HWPL and MILF are partner for peace.” – MILF chairman of Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim

14 March, 2016 The Proclamation Ceremony of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW)

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL at a glance : 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #3 World Alliance of Religions' Peace WARP the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Philippines Peace walk Mindanao IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace
The Proclamation Ceremony of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War

They go deep into the Action plan(s) based on common ground of understanding and practicality of the DPCW to create “tangible results at a national level”

18 September, 2016 The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL at a glance : 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #3 World Alliance of Religions' Peace WARP the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Philippines Peace walk Mindanao IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace
18 September, 2016 The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP(World Alliance of Religions’ Peace) Summit

Foreign eminent persons from various circles about 1,000

 “international law expert, all over the incumbent ministers, religious leaders, leaders of women and youth groups, the press”

HWPL members : about 100,000

This WARP(World Alliance of Religions’ Peace) summit goes into operation to develop DPCW into an enforceable law and motivate global citizens. There are are many citizens to support and advocate for HWPL‘s Peace Law Initiative.

What’s NEXT?

25 May, 2017 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk!!!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL at a glance : 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk #3 World Alliance of Religions' Peace WARP the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Philippines Peace walk Mindanao IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace   Two days left. Hang on to your hat!

[Declaration of World Peace] Already Peace has begun!& 525 Peace Walk #2

5,000 refugees rescued for two days

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Declaration of World Peace] Already Peace has begun!& 525 Peace Walk #2 World Peace War is a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. Thomas Mann refugees Proclamation Peace walk Peace Libya IWPG Italy IPYG HWPL Declaration of World Peace by the rain by light and by the air Already Peace has begun a legacy we can leave to future generations     According to the Libyan authorities and Italy (local time) Wednesday, 20, 2,900 refugees were drifting in the coast of Libya. Italy, Libyan coast guard saved them. But the joy and sorrow is mixed. Italy coast guard saved 2,300 and Libyan coast guard saved 580. 2,300 refugees were delivered to the port of Italy but 580 were delivered to Libya. According to United Nations refugee agency (unhcr), 46,000 people arrived in Italy this year. It was 86% of 55,000 refugees who set foot in Europe. It’s so sad story. When is peace coming? The people are worn out! They are inert and lethargic.

However, there are people constantly trying to achieve peace.

Already Peace has begun!

2013 Peace walk : Proclamation of the Declaration of World Peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Declaration of World Peace] Already Peace has begun!& 525 Peace Walk #2 World Peace War is a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. Thomas Mann refugees Proclamation Peace walk Peace Libya IWPG Italy IPYG HWPL Declaration of World Peace by the rain by light and by the air Already Peace has begun a legacy we can leave to future generations   The Heavens and the Earth formed by the hands of the Creator have been given to humanity as an inheritance. In all the universe, life in its vast splendour exists only on our world. The life that grows on the earth is sustained from above – by light, by the rain, and by the air they provide unconditionally to all living beings. We have received the precious gift of life from above, let us give glory to heaven, and live in peace on earth. This is the truest teaching of heaven.

With this eternal gift – the grace and life we have received – are we entitled to fight, kill and destroy one another? We cannot claim to desire peace and continue to provoke one another, causing conflict for the sake of valuing our own national interests above those of others. This will only take the lives of the youth, wasting them in the futility of war. This is not a legacy we can leave to future generations.

Of what use is a young life, born in our day and age, if it is thrown away in this manner – thrown away without having had a chance to bloom? What price can compensate for the loss of a life? Do these young souls have another chance at life? As emissaries of World Peace; as people who are working towards the restoration of humanity through a new and heavenly culture, we declare the following:

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Declaration of World Peace] Already Peace has begun!& 525 Peace Walk #2 World Peace War is a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. Thomas Mann refugees Proclamation Peace walk Peace Libya IWPG Italy IPYG HWPL Declaration of World Peace by the rain by light and by the air Already Peace has begun a legacy we can leave to future generations   We call on all youth to unite in an effort to stop wars and pursue the restoration of peace by agreeing not to fight one another. For World Peace to become a reality, this is the duty of all youth, everywhere.

The only way to stop the fighting and pointless, tragic deaths, is to stop fighting. Nobody can ask for anything greater than this, and know that your efforts – the efforts of the young people of the world today in pursuit of peace – will remain as a never fading light of life for all future generations.

Furthermore, we call on every person, every man, woman, and child in the world, to pick up the mantle of peace. In whatever way you can, we ask that you work to further the cause of world peace and restoration, making it a reality in your direct environments.

Lastly, we call on the media to report responsibly and promote a message of peace to the world.

World peace and restoration has begun at the same time this declaration is proclaimed.

Thank you.



War is a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. – Thomas Mann

Peace is up to you. 🙂 Good luck!



Guatemala National Palace : Man Hee Lee laid White Rose on Palm of Peace

National Palace : “Center of Guatemala

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Guatemala National Palace : Man Hee Lee laid White Rose on Palm of Peace World Peace White Rose The Palm of Peace Restoration of Light Peace Muslim Mindanao MILF Man Hee Lee Juan Manuel Santos IWPG IPYG International Law for Peace and Cessation of War HWPL Day HWPL Heavenly Culture Guatemala National Palace George Walker Bush Dalai Lama Catholic Ban Ki-moon Alliance of Religions   Guatemala National Palace was constructed by President Jorge Ubico and started in 1939. It took four years to build and at a relatively low cost, since prisoners were forced to work in the projects for a measly 0.25 cents a day, back when Guatemala’s currency had the same value as the dollar. It was the most important building in Guatemala and was the headquarters of the President of Guatemala. The building is the origin of all the roads in the Republic. It is now a national museum.

The Palm of Peace : Why constructed?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Guatemala National Palace : Man Hee Lee laid White Rose on Palm of Peace World Peace White Rose The Palm of Peace Restoration of Light Peace Muslim Mindanao MILF Man Hee Lee Juan Manuel Santos IWPG IPYG International Law for Peace and Cessation of War HWPL Day HWPL Heavenly Culture Guatemala National Palace George Walker Bush Dalai Lama Catholic Ban Ki-moon Alliance of Religions   This bronze statue, sometimes called “The Palm of Peace” is in the courtyard of the National Palace, on the site of the signing of a peace to end Guatemala’s 36-year-long civil war in 1996.

The Guatemalan Civil war ran from 1960 to 1996. It was fought between the government of Guatemala and various leftist rebel groups supported chiefly by ethnic Maya indigenous people and Ladino peasants, who together make up the rural poor. The government forces of Guatemala have been condemned for committing genocide against the Maya population of Guatemala during the civil war and for widespread human rights violations against civilians.

The White Rose : Symbol of Peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Guatemala National Palace : Man Hee Lee laid White Rose on Palm of Peace World Peace White Rose The Palm of Peace Restoration of Light Peace Muslim Mindanao MILF Man Hee Lee Juan Manuel Santos IWPG IPYG International Law for Peace and Cessation of War HWPL Day HWPL Heavenly Culture Guatemala National Palace George Walker Bush Dalai Lama Catholic Ban Ki-moon Alliance of Religions   This statue represents two left hands reaching up, representing each side of the conflict and to signify a sincere truce between the two sides. The 16 interlocking arms signify the Guatemalan people, locked in arms, determined to sustain peace and liberty, the big rock which the arms lift up.

They have a tradition concerning peace and a symbol of peace, the White Rose. To celebrate another day of peace in their country and the ever-fresh peace process, at about 11:30 AM, the Army Honor Guard, changes a white rose that has been placed on a monument in the court yard with another fresh white rose. The day old white rose, symbolizing 24 hours of peace, is then given to a guest of the country in a ceremony, held within the court yard.

List of people who lay flowers on palm

  1. Tenzin Gyatso (The 14th Dalai Lama)
  2. George Walker Bush (the 43rd president of the US) 
  3. Ban Ki-Moon (the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations) in 2011
  4. Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia’s President)
  5. Michaelle jean (27th Canada Governor General)
  6. David Lloyd Johnston(28th Canada Governor General)
  7. Carolyn Wright(Volunteer working in Municipal Development)
  8. Myrna de Ruiz (worked with Peace Corps Guatemala for over 30 years)
  9. Audrey DeLange(unclear)

* People, whose name was not mentioned

– The President of the International Football Federation

– Very successful and influential businessmen

– Political appointees

* Man Hee Lee(the Chairman of HWPL : Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light) in 2014

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Guatemala National Palace : Man Hee Lee laid White Rose on Palm of Peace World Peace White Rose The Palm of Peace Restoration of Light Peace Muslim Mindanao MILF Man Hee Lee Juan Manuel Santos IWPG IPYG International Law for Peace and Cessation of War HWPL Day HWPL Heavenly Culture Guatemala National Palace George Walker Bush Dalai Lama Catholic Ban Ki-moon Alliance of Religions

I’m Korean. So I want to say my feelings. I was very surprised at this news. I know very well about Ban Ki-Moon. Everyone knows him, aren’t you? Because he is the secretary- general of the United Nations. He is a public figure. But what is it? Who is the ‘Man Hee Lee‘? He is just a civilian like us. But He is in rage with the great figures. It’s so amazing!!! Don’t you wonder what he did?

HWPL : Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Guatemala National Palace : Man Hee Lee laid White Rose on Palm of Peace World Peace White Rose The Palm of Peace Restoration of Light Peace Muslim Mindanao MILF Man Hee Lee Juan Manuel Santos IWPG IPYG International Law for Peace and Cessation of War HWPL Day HWPL Heavenly Culture Guatemala National Palace George Walker Bush Dalai Lama Catholic Ban Ki-moon Alliance of Religions

It is a non-profit, non-governmental organization which was founded in 2012. HWPL is working in conjunction with the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG). IWPG has 97 branches around 40 other nations!!! IPYG  has 2.4 million people in 96 nations!!! 

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Guatemala National Palace : Man Hee Lee laid White Rose on Palm of Peace World Peace White Rose The Palm of Peace Restoration of Light Peace Muslim Mindanao MILF Man Hee Lee Juan Manuel Santos IWPG IPYG International Law for Peace and Cessation of War HWPL Day HWPL Heavenly Culture Guatemala National Palace George Walker Bush Dalai Lama Catholic Ban Ki-moon Alliance of Religions

Its purpose is achieving world peace and the cessation of war.

How do we achieve it?

‘s SOLUTIONS are  ‘International Law for Peace and Cessation of War‘ and ‘Alliance of Religions‘. It has been said to be the greatest groundbreaking and substantive solutions for peace.

Is it all talk? No : The Mindanao peace agreement

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Guatemala National Palace : Man Hee Lee laid White Rose on Palm of Peace World Peace White Rose The Palm of Peace Restoration of Light Peace Muslim Mindanao MILF Man Hee Lee Juan Manuel Santos IWPG IPYG International Law for Peace and Cessation of War HWPL Day HWPL Heavenly Culture Guatemala National Palace George Walker Bush Dalai Lama Catholic Ban Ki-moon Alliance of Religions   It’s a real. Mindanao civil war for 40 years and 140,000 died. How do they make peace? He prayed to God before to go Mindanao.

He said “I won’t go if God don’t accompany me.” He called all the political leaders, religious leaders and citizens together in one place.

“Raise your hands!! If you want peace!!”, he shouted. Everyone raised their hands!!!! So two leader of Catholic and Muslim signed the peace agreement. 

It gave me the chills. 40 years of Catholic and Muslim religious war was over. Wow. Guatemala give credit for this big event.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Guatemala National Palace : Man Hee Lee laid White Rose on Palm of Peace World Peace White Rose The Palm of Peace Restoration of Light Peace Muslim Mindanao MILF Man Hee Lee Juan Manuel Santos IWPG IPYG International Law for Peace and Cessation of War HWPL Day HWPL Heavenly Culture Guatemala National Palace George Walker Bush Dalai Lama Catholic Ban Ki-moon Alliance of Religions   After 2 years, 10,000 people are in line to greet the HWPL, they established ‘HWPL Day’ on March 14th and they erected the monument. I was deeply moved by this news. 🙂 Many things are happening all over the world. Peace is not just their problem. ‘PEACE’ is up to you. Good luck!! 🙂

“Man Hee Lee, brought a powerful message that adds to the power to achieve peace that we hope and desire. It means HWPL and MILF are partner for peace.” – MILF chairman of Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim