Letters to Me #13 : Lethargic

These days, we spend a lot of time alone at home because of the novel coronavirus. COVID-19 has changed a lot of our things. I heard that jobs are a problem, and the economy has stagnated a lot.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me #13 : Lethargic quote mixed feelings Letters to Me Lethargic depression COVID-19 coronavirus comforting

In the beginning, I had a lot of time, so I did things I haven’t done before, and it was fun and happy. But as time went by, productive activities were needed, and I worked hard to manage myself, but the depression didn’t go away. Aren’t you?

During this period, I read 25 books, watched 18 movies, and 6 dramas. I studied medicine for 120 hours, and I’m focusing on what I really want to do these days. But I slept much more and did a lot of other useless things because I couldn’t concentrate.

In fact, there have been some depressing incidents recently. To confess, I am about three years behind my friends in our career. There’s something I wanted to do, and I’m almost all-in for it. As a result, medicine was a little behind, and it was three years late. Recently, I saw my friends taking graduation pictures. They looked happy. It was a complicated feeling.

In good timing, I got a call from my mother then. It was news from two of my friends who go to two of the best hospitals in South Korea. They are now taking internships. I had mixed feelings.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me #13 : Lethargic quote mixed feelings Letters to Me Lethargic depression COVID-19 coronavirus comforting

Of course, I get blamed. If you spent three years studying without doing anything else, wouldn’t you be making a lot of money by now? Like friends. Like those friends who are smiling and taking pictures.

Actually, I’m still doing it, and I’m not going to give up. I just chose to study medicine at the same time. There are a lot more people who don’t know the value of this work, but it’s really incredible. Time will tell everyone. At that time, your choice was a really wise one.

It’s what I do because I like it, but I can’t avoid being lethargic sometimes. When I was going through complicated emotions, a friend sent me a phrase. It was comforting.

“Do you know why you started it because you wanted to, but why do you feel lethargic? It’s because we are too eager to do well. So when I meet myself who is not good at it, I blame myself. You will also be compared to those who work hard and do well. I hope you can look at yourself warmly who is not good at it. Such a person can last for a long time, and repetition gathers to create capabilities.”

I think it has something to do with loving myself.
I hope this article comforts you, too.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Letters to Me #12 : Self-Esteem

I recently read a book about self-esteem, “Self-esteem Lesson, Korean Ver (자존감 수업 : 하루에 하나, 나를 사랑하게 되는 자존감 회복 훈련)” It is written in Korean only. It is a book that a psychiatrist (윤홍균, 정신건강의학과 의사) wrote for his daughters based on the knowledge he gained from his long experience.

In psychology, the term self-esteem is used to describe a person’s overall sense of self-worth or personal value. (Verywell Mind) In other words, it is an individual’s subjective evaluation of their own worth. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs about oneself as well as emotional states, such as triumph, despair, pride, and shame. (Wiki)

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me #12 : Self-Esteem 자존감 수업 윤홍균 self-reproach Self-esteem Lesson Self-esteem self-distrust sadness psychiatrist Letters to Me inferiority

The reason I read this book is because my top priority these days is to get rid of low self-esteem and self-reproach. This is because I heard this from someone I respect recently. She also told me that I’m enough competent.

When I read the book, I found that self-esteem was really connected to many problems, such as marriage, dating, work life, relationships between friends, and myself. The point was that I didn’t love myself. It’s “self-distrust.” How about someone on your back, criticizing you all day and comparing you to others? You can’t even run away. It’s so terrible. 🙁

My core feelings are “sadness” and “inferiority.” I could explain my feelings clearly through this book. I have a huge desire to be recognized by others. So, I kept looking at other people, and I usually looked at people who were better than me. That’s why I felt inferior.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me #12 : Self-Esteem 자존감 수업 윤홍균 self-reproach Self-esteem Lesson Self-esteem self-distrust sadness psychiatrist Letters to Me inferiority

Comparing my shortcomings to others’ good points, I always lost. I had high expectations of myself, and I was often frustrated. This gave me disappointment and low self-esteem. If disappointment lasts long, it becomes sadness.

After that, when there was a mistake, I started to blame myself first. The premise of my thoughts was that I tried to protect myself by blaming myself for fear of being criticized by others. I also hated myself.

In fact, there were so many hard work. It was a day that was really difficult, teary, painful, compared, scolded, and felt I was insignificant. I was not recognized by those who I respect. I secretly got angry and cried a lot.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me #12 : Self-Esteem 자존감 수업 윤홍균 self-reproach Self-esteem Lesson Self-esteem self-distrust sadness psychiatrist Letters to Me inferiority

I think I actually needed comfort. It was necessary to say, ‘It’s okay, you can do it.’ But now I can understand and forgive. We all had a hard time then, and we’ve walked the hard way together. She had a situation, too. She had lived a life that was not appreciated by strict father, and that was why I was more severely scolded by her.

What do we want most from our lovers when we’re dating? I think it’s looking at me as I am. But I don’t really see myself that way. I will now cherish and love me a lot. “It’s okay, you can do it. You can do it!!” I will trust my own judgment, make my own choices and make decisions. I will believe in me and comfort me, even if my troubles come like waves again.

Do you want to walk with me?

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Letters to Me #11 : Trust & Faith

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me #11 : Trust & Faith trust successful man Self reflection Letters to Me Growth mindset faith

It’s been a long time since I’ve sent me a letter. I may not have had that much leeway. Sometimes I live very hard, sometimes I’m exhausted after a lot of work. I used to look back on myself a lot in the past, but I rarely look back these days.

I think it’s an excuse that I didn’t have time. I could have taken the time to do enough. What was the reason? Maybe I’ve lost my “hopes” for myself. I don’t know if I chose the right word. I can call it “expectation”, or “faith”.

I think it’s much harder to apply “growth mindset” than when I read a book. I always want to grow up. I want to work harder and do well. think and try to excel. However, trying is a different matter from actually doing so.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me #11 : Trust & Faith trust successful man Self reflection Letters to Me Growth mindset faith

I think I’m having a hard time because I’m not as successful as I think. This is the question of “what is success?” My reference point seems to be too external. If there is something I regret now, I wonder if I could have trusted me more. What if I had respected myself a little more, loved and cared for myself? It may be an illusion, but my inner self would have been more colorful.

Reading poetry, opening your eyes to art, listening to my own playlist, will this make me a little happier? Each man walks his own way. How was your life? Was it a roller coaster? Was it okay? or fun? I don’t think I can assess my life. Because I want to edit my own life as I please. That’s why I don’t feel proud.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me #11 : Trust & Faith trust successful man Self reflection Letters to Me Growth mindset faith

Do you think it’s because I don’t know myself well? So the majority of successful people may be keeping a diary and meditating. For me, this is that time to self-reflect. I think I should write it more often now.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Letters to Me #8 : Mindfulness

Spirituality : Are you Okay?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me #8 : Mindfulness Who are you? University of Massachusetts Medical School the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine present moment Mindfulness-based stress reduction Mindfulness MBSR Letters to Me Jon kabat-Zinn Health Care and Society     In Wikipedia, Mindfulnes is the psychological process of bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present momentwhich can be developed through the practice of meditation and other training. Always people say MBSR, MBSR. What is MBSR? MBSR is the abbreviation for Mindfulnes-based stress reduction. It was made by Jon kabat-Zinn. He established the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. I’m a medical student, too. So I’m more interested in Mindfulness.

Definition of Jon kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness‘ is awareness that arises paying attention on purpose in the present moment non judgmentally.

“The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion.” – Thích Nhất Hạnh

Mindfulness : MBSR “Who ARE YOU?”

MBSR is a 8 week program. In general, the weakness of psychotherapy is hard to prove the results scientifically. But MBSR has many evidence that support its benefits. It has 9 session course. Nine session is here. Mindfulness meditation training and practice, yoga and body awareness training, exploration of patterns of thinking, feeling and action, brief lectures and group discussions, individual feedback and support. I want to try it! Maybe it can be my opportunity!

“The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn

7 attitudes that support MBSR

  1. Non-judgment
  2. Patience
  3. Beginner’s mind
  4. Trust
  5. Non-striving
  6. Acceptance
  7. Letting-go

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Letters to Me : Planting the seeds #7

Planting the seeds

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me : Planting the seeds #7 Seeds Plants Planting seeds Letters to Me eco-conscious   Hi! What’s up? Do you grow plants? I am planting seeds today. Maybe is it boring? But it is so interesting! Also it is really meaningful!  Planting trees is good for the environment, too. One idea popular  with the eco-conscious is to have trees planted for them. I planted seeds in plastic coffee cups abandoned on the road with my friends. It is nice to know I’m not alone. Life is really amazing. These tiny seeds will grow and grow. Small buds are cute Letters to Me. It will make me think deeply.

Letters to Me : You grow?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me : Planting the seeds #7 Seeds Plants Planting seeds Letters to Me eco-conscious     Do you know ‘how much you grow’? A lot of times, we don’t care about it. Just live the daily life. The same day, same people, same work. But you know, there isn’t much we can do by our own will. It make us feel helplessness. Why do we grow plants? As the saying goes, “He that plants trees loves others besides himself.” It is our whyThis is very important to us. In the world, there are many things you can do. I want you can feel it. Everything is up to you!!!

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Letters to Me : For missionary work! #5

What time is it now?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me : For missionary work! #5 Missionary work Letters to Me   You know what? Even as we speak, maybe five people are dying. While I are writing a front sentence, ten more people die. Are you sad? I’m not sad. Im afraid there’s no more I can do. Actually sad because of it. I hate the fear inside of me. I hate me who even don’t try. When I know I can’t even feel it, I feel like everything is crashing downNow, it’s time to move on. But what can I do?

For missionary work

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me : For missionary work! #5 Missionary work Letters to Me     In fact I think education is the most important. It’s not the education we generally know. I say ‘attitudes and values‘. I want to ask you one question. What is to remain in your heart? I think it is a moving experience. How many times are you touched? When is it? I think it is words. Meaningful words are the ones that have stuck in my mind. So I want to go missionary work. Though I should not necessarily through this method, I want to walk once. I want to be a memorable man. I want to stand on my own two feet. Finally next is my dearest word.

We have to work far beyond our ability. Always being out on the edge is where heaven will help us. That’s faith.

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!