The fourth Industrial Revolution with Google : Can you survive? #1

What is the fourth Industrial Revolution?

Where are we?

  • 1st Industrial Revolution 18C : The machines-revolution based on the steam engine
  • 2nd Industrial Revolution 19C~ early 20C : The mass-production-revolution based on electrical energy
  • 3rd Industrial Revolution late 20C : The knowledge-information-revolution based on computer and Internet
  • 4th Industrial Revolution early 21C : What?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The fourth Industrial Revolution with Google : Can you survive? #1 TGIF super-intelligence Sunil Chandra nano technology IoT hyper-connectivity Googleyness Fourth Industrial Revolution cloud computing big data AI 3D printing   The Fourth Industrial Revolution was first mentioned on 2016 WEF: World Economic Forum. The most interesting features are ‘hyper-connectivity‘ and ‘super-intelligence‘. So it has a powerful influence. For example, there are AI, IoT, cloud computing, big data, 3D printing and nano technology. It’s cool! But if you don’t catch up with the times, it’s a recipe for disaster to you. For someone it may be a golden opportunity.

What kind of person would survive?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The fourth Industrial Revolution with Google : Can you survive? #1 TGIF super-intelligence Sunil Chandra nano technology IoT hyper-connectivity Googleyness Fourth Industrial Revolution cloud computing big data AI 3D printing     Do you know about Google’s requirements? Google leads the whole world. Sunil Chandra is a vice president in charge of Google’s recruitment. He suggested 4 things on May 17, 2016 in San Francisco. Problem-solving skills, a clear perception about his part, leadership and collaboration. In a word, “someone who actively solve the problem working with other people“. Lastly he emphasized ‘Googleyness‘ The flower of Google corporate culture is a ‘TGIF‘ event taking place every Thursday. Chandra have a sense that ‘I am a owner of Google‘ through ‘TGIF’ event. How does Google work? Find out in the next posting. 🙂

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!

Dream motivation : Can’t get to that level

Dream Motivation : Who are you?

It’s hard changing your life. You may be in a lot of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain. How was your day today? Is it tough? Why is this happening to me? Please answer me! I can’t understand anything! Perhaps, there may be no growth and development for years. Do you know about yourself? It is never easy question to answer. If you can’t find the answer, Dream Motivation is no where.

Journey to seek a sense of identity

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Dream motivation : Can’t get to that level Who are you? JUST TAKE THE FIRST STEP identity growth Dream Motivation Don’t let nobody steal your dream    When you become the ‘right-person’, what you do is you start separating yourself from other people. You may take disgusted looks lying down. It’s necessary to get the losers out of your life. But it is not the end. Do you want a happy ending? You can say ‘I want a council, I want to be a engineer, I want to be a doctor.’

Listen to me : You can’t get to that level.

You can’t get to that level economically where you want to be, until you start invest in your mind. You are not reading books!!! To Invest in you! JUST TAKE THE FIRST STEP! Don’t let nobody steal your dream! 

Reviewing it every day and saying to yourself :

IT’S NOT OVER, UNTIL I WIN! You can live your dream!

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!

Keep going!!! : Wholehearted with Saadi

Have a patience


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Keep going!!! : Wholehearted with Saadi Saadi Shirazi Keep going Have a patience facing the Giants Death Crawl   We fell down more than 1000 times to take the first step
fell down more than 100 times to ride a bicycle, Keep doing
We invest huge time and money to drive a car, Keep going!

At that time, that was the most difficult thing in the World.
But what’s now?

Walking is a piece of cake
Ride a bicycle with one hand
Drive a car with talking

If your work is too hard, just keep doing until easy to handle

“Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.” – Saadi Shirazi

Keep! Keep going!!!

Are you suffering from a slump?
Is it still bothering you, bah?
Now moment of truth, Face the reality straightly!

Peace is up to you 🙂 Keep going!

Letters to Me : For missionary work! #5

What time is it now?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me : For missionary work! #5 Missionary work Letters to Me   You know what? Even as we speak, maybe five people are dying. While I are writing a front sentence, ten more people die. Are you sad? I’m not sad. Im afraid there’s no more I can do. Actually sad because of it. I hate the fear inside of me. I hate me who even don’t try. When I know I can’t even feel it, I feel like everything is crashing downNow, it’s time to move on. But what can I do?

For missionary work

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me : For missionary work! #5 Missionary work Letters to Me     In fact I think education is the most important. It’s not the education we generally know. I say ‘attitudes and values‘. I want to ask you one question. What is to remain in your heart? I think it is a moving experience. How many times are you touched? When is it? I think it is words. Meaningful words are the ones that have stuck in my mind. So I want to go missionary work. Though I should not necessarily through this method, I want to walk once. I want to be a memorable man. I want to stand on my own two feet. Finally next is my dearest word.

We have to work far beyond our ability. Always being out on the edge is where heaven will help us. That’s faith.

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!

“Bugs in the Brain” Neuroscience for public knowledge

What is Neuroscience?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE "Bugs in the Brain" Neuroscience for public knowledge soul Neuroscience mind Deep learning AlphaGo AI     Have you heard ‘neuroscience‘? How do you feel? You maybe think AlphaGo. I am sure that everyone has heard about the amazing GO match between Lee Se-dol and AlphaGo. It’s a thrilling sceneAlphaGo is famous for ‘Deep learning’. Deep learning is the application to learning tasks of artificial neural networks(ANN).  Its purpose is to learn for itself like human. Human brain found the pattern from a lot of information to distinguish objects. It’s on the same principle. Human brain has CNS(central nervous system), PNS(peripheral nervous system) and ANS(Autonomic nervous system). Countless neurons works harder. Neuroscience is the study of these things.

 Where is the mind?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE "Bugs in the Brain" Neuroscience for public knowledge soul Neuroscience mind Deep learning AlphaGo AI     In the past, we don’t know well about us. We have asked a lot of questions each other. Let’s go into the past. “Where is the mind and soul?” It is a important question. One say ‘It is in the brain’ and other say ‘It is in the heart’. What do you think? Neither? Hold on to your hat! Hippocrates and his teacher Plato said ‘Brain’ and Aristotle told ‘heart’. Even if you hear names, Isn’t it surprising? They’re giants who set a new milestone in the academic world. Descartes, a philosopher, claimed ‘The soul is in the pineal body‘. It is anterior of cerebellum. Isn’t it interesting?

Someone says ‘In medicine there are two thing that human can’t find out. One is Cancer and the other is Neuroscience

Actually, AI(artificial intelligence) really want to keep up with human. They want to do like human. Are we really aware about our values? It’s your turn. You can be a giant.

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!

Letters to Me : It is the time for Victory! #4

There are two ways

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me : It is the time for Victory! #4 throbbing with joy Studying fiercely It’s up to you fall into idleness     Are you busy these days? I know you have a lot of things to do. But it’s not hard, aren’t you? On the contrary, your heart is throbbing with joy. You have 6 important things. Don’t miss any one! If you hang on your spirit, you can do it!

It’s up to you!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me : It is the time for Victory! #4 throbbing with joy Studying fiercely It’s up to you fall into idleness     But if you fall into idleness, you are really scolded. And you will regret sorrowfully again and again. You will shed tears of blood. First of all, it is the most important to live fiercely for a month. Shorten our sleeping time. Don’t waste valuable time! It’s up to you!!!


Do not set limits for yourself

The First : Studying fiercely

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me : It is the time for Victory! #4 throbbing with joy Studying fiercely It’s up to you fall into idleness     You must study desperately. Die while studying. If you are still alive, you are killed by me. It is because you didn’t try to do your best. Your life is hanging on this exam. Please wake up! Do not set limits for yourself. If you think you can’t do it, you really can’t. Whether you think you can or can’t, It is exactly what you think. You’ll see!

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

“Magic Night” in ACC International fringe festival

ACC International fringe festival

On June 2-4, ‘International Street theater Festival‘ was held in Gwang-ju in Korea. It was hosted by ACC(Asia Culture Center). My friend send pictures and short clips to me. He said,”It’s so cool!!!!! Fantastic!!!” I am sick and tired of studying in Australia. Just in time when I feel homesick, I’m so happy to see it. It’s really cool. You can see it for yourself.

“Magic Night”

by Xarxa Theatre_Spain

  Xarxa Theatre celebrates the night with fireworks and upbeat rhythms in a reenactment of an ancient festival in Valencia. Turn off the light, and let the real life begin!

This Concept worked very well. Piping and drumming tempts everyone sweetly. While the fireworks get faster, so do the townsfolk. People were swarming like bees. My friend said, “I have had such hard times, but I was so happy that I was able to forget them on that day.” I suddenly wondered ‘Why do we hold festival?’

Festival : Our Culture, Our Spirit

In a dictionary, the origin of ‘Festival‘ is  ‘Festivalis‘ that means holy day in Latin language. It means that the root of festival is a religious ritual. It contributed to group cohesiveness, but also it handed down culture and tradition. So they can feel they are alive in this community. “We are one!” Culture and festival obviously have a powerful force to change people. Our own culture with our own hands! I think Heavenly Culture makes the world happier. 

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

[Two Poems in the Morning] Rise from the Ashes of Despair

What though life conspire to cheat you

A.S. Pushkin

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Two Poems in the Morning] Rise from the Ashes of Despair What though life conspire to cheat you Sara Teasdale Life Let It Be Forgotten Charlotte Brontë A.S. Pushkin   What though life conspire to cheat you,
Do not sorrow or complain.
Lie still on the day of pain,

And the day of joy will greet you.
Hearts live in the coming day.
There’s an end to passing sorrow.

Suddenly all flies away,
And delight returns tomorrow.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Two Poems in the Morning] Rise from the Ashes of Despair What though life conspire to cheat you Sara Teasdale Life Let It Be Forgotten Charlotte Brontë A.S. Pushkin   Let It Be Forgotten

By Sara Teasdale
Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten,
Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold,
Let it be forgotten for ever and ever,
Time is a kind friend, he will make us old.
If anyone asks, say it was forgotten
Long and long ago,
As a flower, as a fire, as a hushed footfall

In a long forgotten snow.


Charlotte Brontë, 18161855

Life, believe, is not a dream
So dark as sages say;
Oft a little morning rain
Foretells a pleasant day.
Sometimes there are clouds of gloom,
But these are transient all;
If the shower will make the roses bloom,
O why lament its fall?
Rapidly, merrily,
Life’s sunny hours flit by,
Gratefully, cheerily
Enjoy them as they fly!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Two Poems in the Morning] Rise from the Ashes of Despair What though life conspire to cheat you Sara Teasdale Life Let It Be Forgotten Charlotte Brontë A.S. Pushkin   What though Death at times steps in,
And calls our Best away?
What though sorrow seems to win,
O’er hope, a heavy sway?
Yet Hope again elastic springs,
Unconquered, though she fell;
Still buoyant are her golden wings,
Still strong to bear us well.
Manfully, fearlessly,
The day of trial bear,
For gloriously, victoriously,
Can courage quell despair!

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!

Internal branding : Your Identity? through Louis Quatorze

Internal branding : Your Identity

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Internal branding : Your Identity? through Louis Quatorze Ritz-Carlton ownership MCM Louis Quatorze Internal branding Intellectual elegance google External branding Apple     In last posting, Identity of company is the most important thing to succeed. Always I think it is hard to me. What is my identity? I don’t know who I am. Who are you? Often adults are said to blame teenagers for their wandering. “Work at the time! You are wandering because of your weak will!” Let’s dig into adults. Do adults know about themselves? In fact, Nope. The difference is that they cover themselves for a long time. So they are more angry. It is called a projection in psychological terms. Teenagers cannot help wandering to look for identity.

What about company?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Internal branding : Your Identity? through Louis Quatorze Ritz-Carlton ownership MCM Louis Quatorze Internal branding Intellectual elegance google External branding Apple     Company is the same thing for human. Like babies, we should raise the company well. we should build brand image one by one. When branding was reached some level, Its name reminds us of something. Apple is like a Apple and google is like a google. So far we’ve seen marketing in consumer’s view. It is a ‘External branding’. This time, what is important for CEO? If employees are not changed, It is no use advertising splendidly. You know that. People don’t change easily. So consumers feel the same thing as before. What good is it spending a great deal of money on advertising? It is a ‘Internal branding’. It is that each one of employees has the spirit of the company. Each one of employees is to be the company. It is called by ownership.

For example Louis Quatorze : LQ

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Internal branding : Your Identity? through Louis Quatorze Ritz-Carlton ownership MCM Louis Quatorze Internal branding Intellectual elegance google External branding Apple     In Korea, MCM is a leader of hand bag market. Louis Quatorze followed MCM. LQ want to overtake. So, LQ make a slogan, “Intellectual elegance”. They educated all employees. They asked, “What is intellectual elegance?” Most companies are doing here. But LQ is different. They started a learning program for a year in earnest. Two-month interval for 6 times. The first is that you can see performance, play and movie, etc for free. You are needed to find who has ‘Intellectual elegance’ and write about why you think so. Second they are needed to read 2 books. They find and write pleasantly. One year later, they eat intellectually and they walk elegantly. It is same as RitzCarlton Hotel Company“We are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen” This slogan makes employees more gentle. It is ‘Internal branding’.

I need to build my identity.

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!

Marketing Secrets : You want? Woowa Bros!

The People of Delivery 

Do you know ‘The People of Delivery‘? Oh God, what does it mean? Is Delivery like a bullet? It’s a Food delivery business, called ‘Food-tech‘ in Korea. Woowa Brothers is running! Its name means ‘Elegant’ and ‘Wow’. They are the most influential in Food delivery businesses. How can? Their start is very small in 2010. It’s all that few people developed a delivery smartphone application. How could they grow like now? The company had 25.7 million dollars in 2016. It’s unbelievable! If you see a promotion video, you may be able to know the ‘Marketing Secrets‘.


Marketing Secrets

You know that, right? It is simple and funny. Woowa Bros‘s advertising is so funny that people share their happiness through social network services (SNS). Word of Mouth is spreading out in a big way. So, they got gigantic advertising impact without spending a lot of money. So the second can’t keep up with Woowa Bros. 김봉진 CEO said, “The first class talks ‘Culture’, the second talks ‘ function”. He said, “Company’s mission, Identity is the most important” 배달의민족(Baedalminjok = mean The People of Delivery) targets the youngest members. They order food in a meeting, not others.

Kitsch & B-Culture

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Marketing Secrets : You want? Woowa Bros! 김봉진 Woowa Bros The People of Delivery Marketing Secrets Kyung Hee project Kitsch Food-tech Baedalminjok B-Culture   Too many, but I give you a one example. It is really fun. They astonish Korea! It is ‘Kyung Hee project’ Kyung Hee is just a name.  They made advertising foster like right.

How do people react? All Kyung Hee in korea were tagged in Facebook. They parody this foster with their name. So, Woowa Bros put up a poster on 100 buses with different names. How do people react? They pictured each other and tagged their bus on that their name was written. They are pretty much occupied with smileWoowa Bros was flooded with inquiries. “Please, put my name!” So, they started ‘1000 Kyung Hee project’. They send poster with their name to each of them! People really like it. More info?

Is it funny? It’s a marketing secret

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!