
Beyond Headlines: What is Peace Journalism?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Beyond Headlines: What is Peace Journalism? Peace Journalism Media Perspective on Conflict Resolution HWPL International Workshop

On 17th February, the international peace organization, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), hosted an online event with approximately 160 media persons from 49 countries in attendance.

This year, HWPL International Workshop on Peace Journalism marked the publication of its 2nd journal, ‘Peace Journalism Studies’, produced in cooperation with 9 journalists worldwide.

With the theme of “Media Perspective on Conflict Resolution,” this event aimed to sharing the ideas of peace journalism, bringing out collective voice of international network of media for peace.

Everyone has a role in life. Answers to Why are you alive? We live in a society, and each of us has a role to play.

What do you think is the role of a journalist?
I think of it as an informing role. To be unbiased, neutral, and objective in presenting the facts.

Among the contributors, 6 speakers delivered addresses on the role of media in building peace, peace-related issues, peace journalism and global security.

For more information, follow the link here. You’ll know what the speakers said. I was very impressed.

Menafn – Beyond Headlines : Global Journalists United for Peace Journalism amidst the Challenges of the Unstable International Situation

We can’t just listen and be done, we have to do something, and I think we can start with the smallest things around us.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

HWPL Peace Education with Greece

HWPL’s peace education is global. It is worth noting that it creates a change of thought that can achieve ‘peace’ by finding the commonalities of each country’s culture.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL Peace Education with Greece peace education textbook man hee lee peace education HWPL Peace education Greek anecdote Greece Peace education Filial piety
Santorini, Greece

The textbook made by HWPL also contains information about Greece. In Peace Textbook 9 and Section 1-‘Courtesy of Parents,’ it is explained that loving and honoring parents beyond the differences of time, region, and culture is a universal value of all mankind.

In particular, it is emphasized that remembering and paying back the love and kindness given by parents is a characteristic that only humans have.

There is an ancient Greek anecdote about this filial piety. Greece is famous for having a strict culture of respect for the elderly and parents since ancient times.

For example, in ancient Delphi, people who did not take care of their parents were imprisoned.

In Athens, a person who neglected his or her parents was fined and some citizenship was deprived.

Greek proverbs such as “Old people’s words weigh heavily” and “Those who respect their parents never die” reflect a deep-rooted culture of respect for parents and the elderly.

As such, peace education by utilizing proverbs and examples of each country is a great advantage.

Georgia teacher said, “I loved the textbooks prepared for peace education,” adding, “It contains a variety of colors and various information and activities.” “HWPL’s peace education textbooks are made in a more understandable language considering the level of children and teenagers,” he said. “The HWPL peace education textbooks are also very important because they have clear guidelines on what teachers should do.”

After nine weeks of training, Georgia’s teachers took pride in HWPL peace education more than anyone else. “HWPL’s certificate of teacher training is now my pride,” she said.

In fact, students who received peace education also responded positively.

After receiving peace education, one student said, “I realized that I was special,” adding, “I have to be with people who are valuable and make me feel good about myself.”

“I think the Chairman Man hee Lee is an inspirational and charismatic person who can do anything to bring peace to the world,” Georgia teacher said. “I think HWPL is a great organization with great educational materials and plans and is ready to support every step of the way.”

[HWPL Playlist] Anyone can be the PEACE HERO!

“The work that I do is not for my own personal gain; It is for the entire humanity for all the peoples of the world.”
– Lee Man-hee. HWPL Chairman


Lyrics :

Some people say that it’s a DREAM
It’s a dream that peace will NEVER HAPPEN here

It is possible to wish
It will always be impossible to meet

One seems to be like it will never be enough
But if it come ‘as’ ONE

Can you hear it’s finally HERE
Coming near, there’s no need to fear

Get on your feet, feel the beating heart that’s beating for the PEACE
Finally made it clear, we never say never

Can you hear it’s finally HERE
Coming near, there’s no need to fear

Get on your feet, feel the beating heart that’s beating for the PEACE
Finally we are seen, we are shining more than ever

We are one! We are one!
We are one! WE ARE ONE!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [HWPL Playlist] Anyone can be the PEACE HERO! WE ARE ONE Peace Hero HWPL Playlist

SCATTERED dreams and hearts of ours
We have always been the VICTIMS of the wars

But never hesitate to stand up for the PEACE
Cause we’re the ones to bring it back,

I’ll show you a miracle, trust me

One seems to be like it will never be enough
But if it come ‘as’ ONE

Can you hear it’s finally HERE
Coming near, there’s no need to fear

Get on your feet, feel the beating heart that’s beating for the PEACE
Finally we are seen, we are shining more than ever

We are one! We are one!
We are one! WE ARE ONE!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [HWPL Playlist] Anyone can be the PEACE HERO! WE ARE ONE Peace Hero HWPL Playlist

Though one would never make it through
‘As’ ONE we’ll surely make it come true

Let us shine, so the world would never be darkened anymore
You and I TOGETHER, there’s nothing we can’t do

We will never stop
We will never stop

We are one! We are one!
We are one! WE ARE ONE!

I typed everything one by one. I did a good job, right? haha

I really relate to the lyrics. I think it would be nice to think about them one by one. Especially every time the chorus of “We Are One” comes out, I feel like I’m heartbroken.

My heart hurts. Are we really one? I want to be friends with you reading this.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

2023 Nobel Peace Prize “Narges Mohammadi” for Women in Iran

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 Nobel Peace Prize "Narges Mohammadi" for Women in Iran Woman Life Freedom Narges Mohammadi IWPG Iran peace activist 2023 nobel peace prize
Narges Mohammadi – Facts – 2023 (

Narges Mohammadi, a leading Iranian women’s rights activist and anti-government figure, was selected as the winner of the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize.

It’s for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight to promote human rights and freedom for all.

This year’s peace prize also recognises the hundreds of thousands of people who, in the preceding year, have demonstrated against Iran’s theocratic regime’s policies of discrimination and oppression targeting women.

The motto adopted by the demonstrators – “Woman – Life – Freedom” – suitably expresses the dedication and work of Narges Mohammadi.

“Iran arrested Mohammadi 13 times and convicted her five times,” Andersen said. The sentence is 31 years in prison and 154 lashes at the moment of announcement.

She couldn’t attend the ceremony in person. Her 17-year-old twin children, who had not seen their mother for eight years, attended the ceremony as surrogate winners. And there was an empty chair between the children. It was for Mohammadi.

Mohammadi has been imprisoned in Tehran’s Evin Prison since he was arrested after participating in a street protest held in 2021 to commemorate the victims of the 2019 anti-government protests. Mohammadi continues to face prison, fines and penalties in an ongoing trial in a separate case while imprisoned.

As Mohammadi was chosen on the day, the number of female Nobel Peace Prize winners increased to 19. Iran has produced two female Nobel Peace Prize winners. The Nobel Peace Prize, which is given to those who contribute to human peace, was awarded for the 104th time this year since 1901.

Narges Mohammadi commented on her Peace Prize as follows: “I will never stop striving for the realization of democracy, freedom and equality. Surely, the Nobel Peace Prize will make me more resilient, determined, hopeful and enthusiastic.” (It is her full letter)

I think I can only say that I pay tribute to her. She’s amazing. Her will is sublime and I wonder how powerful it is. I respect her…

The IWPG also has a strong influence on women’s human rights. There’s nothing we can’t do if we work together. In order to have power, you have to raise your awareness from the civic level, and we have to be one.

That’s a clear fact. If citizen don’t care from the bottom, no matter how tall the tower is, it will collapse.

Reference: Narges Mohammadi – Facts – 2023 (

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

LP Program: 2023 DPCW Conference “Legislate Peace(LP)”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE LP Program: 2023 DPCW Conference "Legislate Peace(LP)" LPproject LP program Legislate Peace Campaign DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) 918 WARP Summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit 2023 DPCW

In commemoration of the 9th 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit, 61 discussions were held. Participants from 45 countries in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe engaged in meetings.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE LP Program: 2023 DPCW Conference "Legislate Peace(LP)" LPproject LP program Legislate Peace Campaign DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) 918 WARP Summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit 2023 DPCW

Do you know DPCW? DPCW is the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War. What is expected now is that the DPCW is the answer to peace.

10 Articles of DPCW contain three important values
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE LP Program: 2023 DPCW Conference "Legislate Peace(LP)" LPproject LP program Legislate Peace Campaign DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) 918 WARP Summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit 2023 DPCW
  • 1st, Prevention of conflict (Article 1-5)
  • 2nd, Settlement of conflict (Article 6-7)
  • 3rd, Maintenance of peace (Article 8-10)

Full text of DPCW is here.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE LP Program: 2023 DPCW Conference "Legislate Peace(LP)" LPproject LP program Legislate Peace Campaign DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) 918 WARP Summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit 2023 DPCW

I wish you had the opportunity to read these slowly. If you read them one by one, you can see that those who truly love peace have clearly confirmed it.

Since 2016, from the civic level, everyone has tried to bring the DPCW to the United Nations.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE LP Program: 2023 DPCW Conference "Legislate Peace(LP)" LPproject LP program Legislate Peace Campaign DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) 918 WARP Summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit 2023 DPCW

The “Legislate Peace” (LP) project is a global initiative to support and advocate for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) and its implementation at the international level.

The LP project started off as the Sign Your Support campaign, which was launched to promote the value of the DPCW as a solution for achieving global peace and urge different sectors of society to support this declaration.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE LP Program: 2023 DPCW Conference "Legislate Peace(LP)" LPproject LP program Legislate Peace Campaign DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) 918 WARP Summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit 2023 DPCW

At the 2023 DPCW Conference, the MOU and MOA agreements for the operation and collaboration of peace activities (10 topics), and the national support needed for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) at the national level (15 topics) were discussed.

In total, 61 project goals were established, and a signing ceremony to implement these projects took place.

After three days of discussions, the DPCW Conference held on September 20th announced the results of the discussions. At the conference, a “Joint Statement on Conflict Resolution and Spreading a Culture of Peace” was publicly released.

This statement emphasizes cooperation and a shared commitment to realizing the DPCW and implementing peace activities. A total of 166 individuals signed the joint statement.

I think selfishness is the most important part to solve in order to achieve peace. People should let go of their greed. Profit should not be more important than life.

I hope we can be peace messengers together. It’s very easy. You just need to change one little thing in your daily life. Let’s find a way together.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

[Challenge] HWPL Supporters ONE Assemble!!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Challenge] HWPL Supporters ONE Assemble!! PEACE_HEROS_ASSAMBLE Manheelee man hee lee dpcw LPproject LP program HWPL Supporters ONE Challenge 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

The HWPL (Chairman man hee lee) is the most substantial and powerful organization I know of peace. They are made up of powerful people.
I became a fan because of it, and I’m very proud. 🙂

From the 18th to the 21st, 1,800 people from 121 countries around the world, including the United States, the Philippines, South Africa, Pakistan, Thailand, Romania and India, attended the 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit.

For four days, HWPL signed MOUs/MOAs with about 140 organizations, including the Ministry of Education of five countries and the National Committee of UNESCO of five countries.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Challenge] HWPL Supporters ONE Assemble!! PEACE_HEROS_ASSAMBLE Manheelee man hee lee dpcw LPproject LP program HWPL Supporters ONE Challenge 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

In addition, the “World Religious Peace Academy” was established in which religious leaders from around the world understand and harmonize with each other over a total of five times, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, and Christianity. It is said that it has become a place to learn and compare other religious writings with an open mind and realize “religious peace.”

HWPL has opened 282 WARP offices in 131 countries so far, and is expected to expand further with this ceremony.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Challenge] HWPL Supporters ONE Assemble!! PEACE_HEROS_ASSAMBLE Manheelee man hee lee dpcw LPproject LP program HWPL Supporters ONE Challenge 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

At the ceremony, substantial and practical strategies for enacting legally binding peace international law (DPCW) were discussed by country and field. Legislate Peace (LP) projects became ‘LP Program’. It means that it has become more organized.

How to Participate in the Challenge

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Challenge] HWPL Supporters ONE Assemble!! PEACE_HEROS_ASSAMBLE Manheelee man hee lee dpcw LPproject LP program HWPL Supporters ONE Challenge 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

Challenge 1.
Take a photo with #① topper at a place where you want to spread peace.
-Post the picture on your SNS with a peace message and hashtags.
Leave the address (URL) of your challenge and your peace message on the comment section of the Supporter ONE Facebook Challenge Posting.

Download #① topper at

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Challenge] HWPL Supporters ONE Assemble!! PEACE_HEROS_ASSAMBLE Manheelee man hee lee dpcw LPproject LP program HWPL Supporters ONE Challenge 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

Challenge 2.
-Take a picture of you watching any sessions of 918 HWPL World Peace Summit together with the #② topper.
-Post the picture on your SNS with a peace message and hashtags.
Leave the address (URL) of your challenge and your peace message on the comment section of the Supporter ONE Facebook Challenge Posting.

Download #② topper at

📌 Please refer to examples of posting a challenge on SNS provided on the Challenge announcement posting 😄

#HWPL #918worldpeacesummit #9thanniversaryofhwplworldpeacesummit #cessationofwar #answertothepeace #internationallaw #DPCW #PEACE #WeAreOne #peacemessenger #chairmanmanheelee #PEACE_HEROS_ASSAMBLE

2023 HWPL Global Peace Leaders’ Conference


Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

2023 International Women’s Peace Conference

2023 International Women’s Peace Conference

Date: 2023. Sep. 19th, 1:30PM(GMT+9)
Event site:

Why are women gathering?

Because they are mother..
Young people lose their lives in the war, and they are someone’s sons.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 International Women’s Peace Conference mother's love leemanhee hwpl iwpg mother IWPG 918 WARP Summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

IWPG unites with women all around the world to fundamentally solve conflicts and violence on the earth.

Through this, IWPG protects precious lives from war and passes down peace as a legacy to the future generation.

How can achieve Peace?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 International Women’s Peace Conference mother's love leemanhee hwpl iwpg mother IWPG 918 WARP Summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

IWPG strives to find a fundamental solution for all conflicts and wars ranging from those that exist among individuals to those among different states in the international community and tries to build a new order that will establish a sustainable world of peace.

For this, each individual must realize their importance as an actor in the peace process and act upon it, which can be done through women’s peace education.

If women unite and raise their voices for the establishment of an international peace law and peace institutions, they will be able to break the vicious cycle of conflict and bring true peace to this world that our future generations can enjoy forever.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 International Women’s Peace Conference mother's love leemanhee hwpl iwpg mother IWPG 918 WARP Summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

“Now is the time to realize peace.
Women all around the world should come together and
end violence, war, and conflict to open a new ever of peace.”

“The night is dark, but there is still a light of hope because there is the moon. Let’s all become messengers of peace that bring an end to war and realize true peace to pass down as a legacy to the future generation.
If we women come together as one, we can do it.”

– Hyun Sook Yoon, the Chairwoman of the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG)

Women are special because they can conceive life and raise the future generation. This is a video from last year! It would be fun to see how different it is. I hope you’ll see for yourself. 🙂

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

2023 6th International Religious Leaders’ Conference

6th International Religious Leaders’ Conference

Date: 2023. Sep. 19th, 10:00AM(GMT+9)
Event site:

Why does religion have such a big impact on peace?

The answer is easy when and why people fight. When you think differently, when you have different cultures, you perceive other people as others.

Then you fight with others to protect yourself and for your own gain.

Different religions mean that there is a very big difference in thought. The culture is completely different, and the difference in beliefs is quite large.

That’s why 80 percent of the world’s wars have been fought for religious reasons so far. Therefore, religious leaders cannot achieve complete peace without becoming one.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 6th International Religious Leaders' Conference WARP Offices Philippine Mindanao Peacebuilding Mindanao peace agreement manheelee peace leader hwpl world peace summit 918 WARP Summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit
There are also conflicts between other different religions

Mindanao is a prime example.

Mindanao is on the path to peace after ending the military collision between the Philippine government and Moro groups, which lasted over 40 years and resulted in more than 120,000 casualties.

In General Santos on 24 January 2014, a civilian agreement was signed for the peace of Mindanao. The signing ceremony, hosted by HWPL and organized by the IWPG and the IPYG, was attended by over 300 residents including politicians, university professors, religious leaders, and students.

The Chairman of HWPL Man-hee Lee, war veteran over 90 years old, shouted, “If you want peace, raise your hand!!”

Before the audience, Archbishop Emeritus Fernando Robles Capalla of Archdiocese of Davao and Governor Esmael G. Mangudadatu of Maguindanao signed the agreement as representatives to cooperate in ceasing the conflict and building peace.

With this agreement as a starting point, HWPL launched a peace movement to raise public awareness of peace not only in Mindanao but throughout the WORLD.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 6th International Religious Leaders' Conference WARP Offices Philippine Mindanao Peacebuilding Mindanao peace agreement manheelee peace leader hwpl world peace summit 918 WARP Summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

HWPL WARP Offices : 277 offices in 129 countries

In accordance with the World Alliance of Religions Agreement signed by major world religious leaders, the strategies in the efforts for building peace in the religious community are also steadily being implemented.

India’s WARP Office began on January 4, 2015, and as of November 2021, five are in operation, including Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai and Pune. It held more than 350 meetings online and offline.

The HWPL World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Offices have been established and actively operated in 130 countries around the world, contributing to preventing religious disputes and promoting harmony through close dialogue and communication between different religions.

When religious leaders and believers focus on the value embedded in their scriptures and promote understanding of each other’s text, harmony among religious groups is possible.

you can be the messenger of peace. 🙂

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

2023 International Youth Peace Conference (feat. IPYG & YEPW)

2023 International Youth Peace Conference

Date: 2023. Sep. 18th, 5:30PM(GMT+9)
Event site:

Why is the IPYG so striving for peace?

The reason is that they are young people, and that they are the subjects to fight in the event of a war.

Have you ever experienced a war? It can vary depending on the country and age in which you live.
Or have you ever imagined a war? What was the war like in the movie?

I think war is ‘very terrible’ itself. War does not make winners. There is no grass left where the missiles have fallen countless times. What happiness is there in the place where the next comrade is dying?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 International Youth Peace Conference (feat. IPYG & YEPW) YEPW IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG hwpl world peace summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

After the war, who is the winner? I don’t think it’s the young people who died in the war. Who will pay for their lives?

I don’t want to denigrate their spirit of sacrifice for their country. If humans could have put down their selfishness a little more, they might have lived a better life without dying.

Discussion on Running Youth Engagement & Peacebuilding Working group (YEPW) Globally

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 International Youth Peace Conference (feat. IPYG & YEPW) YEPW IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG hwpl world peace summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

The International Peace Youth Group (IPYG), an organization under HWPL, has formed a Youth Engagement & Peacebuilding Working group (YEPW) around affiliated organizations in 119 countries seeking to maintain citizen-led peace and promote a culture of peace.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 International Youth Peace Conference (feat. IPYG & YEPW) YEPW IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG hwpl world peace summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

Today’s topic is how to move globally. Young representatives from each country will have a hard discussion today. The sight of their eyes makes my heart warm. Because I feel their passion for peace.

They campaigned vigorously for peace letters and wrote letters to presidents. In addition, they are continuing various activities by building networks with various young people.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 International Youth Peace Conference (feat. IPYG & YEPW) YEPW IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG hwpl world peace summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit
The List of IPYG projects (Click the image. you can go to IPYG homepage)

For example, the IPYG aims at making a miracle of world peace by joining efforts with the 1.4 billion youths around the world. Every May 25th, the IPYG Peace Walk is held in every corner of the world.

The IPYG is working to sow a culture of peace in every hearts and minds of youth by executing projects to put the Article 10 of the DPCW – Spreading a Culture of Peace into action.

The IPYG members paint peace walls, host and participate in various peace-themed contests and peace concert.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 International Youth Peace Conference (feat. IPYG & YEPW) YEPW IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG hwpl world peace summit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

Isn’t it very meaningful to plan something for peace yourself, think about it, and make it happen?
It can be small, so I want you to practice it in your daily life!

Let me know in the comments if you’ve done anything.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

2023 HWPL Global Peace Education Conference

Global Peace Education Conference

What is the core of HWPL Peace Education?

If you were a peace teacher, what would you teach children like white paper?

“It is an education that fosters citizens of peace

with the value and spirit of peace.”

HWPL homepage

HWPL starts from here.

There is no place under heaven and earth that is more beautiful and better to live in than the Earth.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 HWPL Global Peace Education Conference manheelee world peace tour man hee lee peace education hwpl world peace summit HWPL Peace education 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

However, many people are suffering from war, famine, a gap between the rich and the poor, environmental pollution, and more all over the world due to human greed and selfishness.

This is a really serious problem. But at the same time, it is also true that no one can handle it. We must let go of each other’s greed.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 HWPL Global Peace Education Conference manheelee world peace tour man hee lee peace education hwpl world peace summit HWPL Peace education 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

Therefore, HWPL proposed peace education as a way to leave a beautiful world of peace as a legacy for the future generations.

Structure of Peace Education Curriculum

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 HWPL Global Peace Education Conference manheelee world peace tour man hee lee peace education hwpl world peace summit HWPL Peace education 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit
you can click (go to HWPL homepage)

About 50 education experts from various countries participated in reviewing the peace education curriculum. As of 2019, the standard curriculum is comprised of 12 lessons.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 HWPL Global Peace Education Conference manheelee world peace tour man hee lee peace education hwpl world peace summit HWPL Peace education 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit
12 lessons

HWPL Peace Academies are 277 institutions/schools in 48 countries

Let me give you an example.

On January 23, 2018, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), a government-affiliated organization that oversees educational institutions above universities in the Philippines.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 HWPL Global Peace Education Conference manheelee world peace tour man hee lee peace education hwpl world peace summit HWPL Peace education 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

The Commission on Higher Education is a national institution directly under the Presidential Office and manages and supervises more than 1,000 higher education institutions (university or higher).

Good Examples of HWPL Peace Education

Commissioner Ronald L. Adamat of the CHED has been preparing to promote the work of peace in HWPL since he attended the 3rd anniversary of the September 18 HWPL World Peace Summit in 2017 in South Korea.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2023 HWPL Global Peace Education Conference manheelee world peace tour man hee lee peace education hwpl world peace summit HWPL Peace education 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

As a result, the MOA was signed on the same day to express its willingness to materialize and implement peace education.

Starting with national universities, HWPL peace education was implemented throughout the Philippines.
Aren’t you curious how far it’s gone now?

This is only part of it and much more people are moving for peace education. Isn’t that amazing? Take a look with interest. 🙂

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!