Advancing Peace in the Americas review

28th World Peace Tour

  • A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Advancing Peace in the Americas review without war wind of peace Syria Peace MOU LA Korean Peninsula HWPL education DPCW America Advancing Peace 28th_Peacetour 28TH WORLD PEACE TOUR

  28th WORLD PEACE TOUR of HWPL is held at New York, Washington DC, LA. This peace movement will be a strong wind all over the world. It is said that there has been a great deal of work such as the signing of MOU. It’s not fun to know beforehand. I recommend you to experience it, feel it, and realize it. Let’s go for Advancing Peace!

When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people, it becomes the light that never fades away.”

Advancing Peace in the Americas

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Advancing Peace in the Americas review without war wind of peace Syria Peace MOU LA Korean Peninsula HWPL education DPCW America Advancing Peace 28th_Peacetour 28TH WORLD PEACE TOUR     One participant said “Recent meetings between the two Koreas have lowered the possibility of using deadly weapons of mass destruction on humanity. With investments in education, health and youth employment, education is the only way forward (human beings). The idea of a world without war is not a dream. We can achieve it.”

Another said, “Article 2 of the DPCW deals with the establishment of a reduction in war potential and the transformation of weapons for human benefit. It costs 1.8 billion dollars a year to make weapons. How many schools and homes can we build with DPCW? Let’s implement DPCW to fight poverty and eliminate the pain of conflict in Syria and the Korean Peninsula.”

Sign to achieve peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Advancing Peace in the Americas review without war wind of peace Syria Peace MOU LA Korean Peninsula HWPL education DPCW America Advancing Peace 28th_Peacetour 28TH WORLD PEACE TOUR

Chairman Lee said “All schools and teachers should teach students about peace. All heads of organizations should also tell their members to make peace. At this point, we must achieve peace in the global community. It’s for all of us. We believe that presidents will sign up to support DPCW.”

Now, the wind of peace is blowing all over the world

Be able to watch reruns

Date: 4th, June, 2018
Time: 17:00 pm (UTC/GMT-8)

#HWPL #28th_Peacetour #LA #Peace #America

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

28th World Peace Tour is for Advancing Peace

HWPL is a strong wind

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 28th World Peace Tour is for Advancing Peace WARP Summit to end WAR Publicity Ambassadors Peace messengers of peace Legislate Peace Campaign LA HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace America Advisory Council Advancing Peace in the Americas Advancing Peace 28th_Peacetour     As I study abroad in Australia, I see and hear many things. Among them, what is related to my hometown, Korea, is more noticeable to me. When I was in Korea, I could not hear much about HWPL, but I could hear a lot in Australia. I think it is because HWPL is an international NGO. It was really nice enhance their national prestige without showing off their pride. It is a pity why Koreans do not know this. This is how our relationship began. After that, I became a fan.

HWPL is an international peace nonprofit organization registered with the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) and the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

28th World Peace Tour

  • A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 28th World Peace Tour is for Advancing Peace WARP Summit to end WAR Publicity Ambassadors Peace messengers of peace Legislate Peace Campaign LA HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace America Advisory Council Advancing Peace in the Americas Advancing Peace 28th_Peacetour

  28th WORLD PEACE TOUR of HWPL is held at New York, Washington DC, LA. This peace movement will be a strong wind all over the world. It is said that there has been a great deal of work such as the signing of MOU. It’s not fun to know beforehand. I recommend you to experience it, feel it, and realize it. Let’s go for Advancing Peace!

When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people, it becomes the light that never fades away.”

HWPL’s Peace Walkings

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 28th World Peace Tour is for Advancing Peace WARP Summit to end WAR Publicity Ambassadors Peace messengers of peace Legislate Peace Campaign LA HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace America Advisory Council Advancing Peace in the Americas Advancing Peace 28th_Peacetour

  • In May 25, 2013 The Declaration of World Peace was proclaimed.
  • In Sep 16-19, 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit
  • In Sep 18-19, 2015 Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts
  • ln Nov 12-13, 2015 Committee meeting convenes to draft the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
  • In March 14, 2016 New international law was proclaimed by HWPL International Law Peace Committee(more info). It was called DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War). (DPCW is here)
  • Now ‘Legislate peace campaign’ ALL OVER THE WORLD
Now “630 events 176 countries 1 million participants”

Substantial & Powerful movement

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 28th World Peace Tour is for Advancing Peace WARP Summit to end WAR Publicity Ambassadors Peace messengers of peace Legislate Peace Campaign LA HWPL DPCW Declaration of World Peace America Advisory Council Advancing Peace in the Americas Advancing Peace 28th_Peacetour     HWPL’s Legislate Peace Campaign is spreading out around the globe. How many? 630 events being held in 176 countries with over 1 million participants. #LegislatePeace  The purpose of HWPL is to end WAR. Maybe you can think it is not possible. Is it so naive? Is it an unattainable ideal? But the walking of HWPL makes us to believe. We can get a hope. I can have the faith that they can do it! HWPL is being ALL OVER THE WORLD!

170 branches 151 Advisory Council 506 Publicity Ambassadors

Let us all become messengers of peace and leave peace as a legacy to future generations. – HWPL

What’s going on now?
It is The grand finale of 28th World Peace Tour

Don’t miss it

Advancing Peace in the Americas

Date: 4th, June, 2018
Time: 17:00 pm (UTC/GMT-8)

#HWPL #28th_Peacetour #LA #Peace #America

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

International Mine Awareness Day : Unexpected

International Mine Awareness Day in Mine Action

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE International Mine Awareness Day : Unexpected War UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Peace landmines IPYG International Mine Awareness Day HWPL DPCW António Guterres      UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated, “An unprecedented volume of landmines and unexploded weapons contaminates rural and urban war zones, maiming and killing innocent civilians long after conflict has ended. Mine action is vital.” To bring attention to this issue the General Assembly of the United Nations established the 4th of April as International Mine Awareness Day. It is estimated that approximately 110 million landmines still remain in the ground in various countries around the world.

“Advancing Protection, Peace and Development”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE International Mine Awareness Day : Unexpected War UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Peace landmines IPYG International Mine Awareness Day HWPL DPCW António Guterres    These landmines clearly show the lasting effects of war that continue to cause damage and loss of life even after the active conflicts have ceased. Articles 1 through 3 of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) address the prohibition of acts of aggression and the banning of weapons of war. According to Article 2 Clause 3 of the DPCW “States should take measures to ensure that existing weapons of mass destruction, weapons capable of causing widespread and unnecessary suffering and weapons incompatible with international humanitarian law are gradually dismantled or destroyed.”

“The War is Over, but Where is the Peace?”

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

DPCW Article 9 – Religion, ethnic identity and peace

WARP Summit 2017 : Marching DPCW

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE DPCW Article 9 – Religion, ethnic identity and peace WARP Summit 2017 Religion Peace ethnic identity DPCW Article 9 DPCW

  • In May 25, 2013 ‘The Declaration of World Peace’ was proclaimed.
  • In Sep 16-19, 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit
  • ln Sep 18-19, 2015 Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts
  • ln Nov 12-13, 2015 Committee meeting convenes to draft the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
  • In March 14, 2016 New international law was proclaimed by HWPL International Law Peace Committee(more info). It was called DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War). (DPCW is here)
  • Now ‘Legislate peace campaign’ is carrying on

DPCW Article 9 Religion, ethnic identity and peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE DPCW Article 9 – Religion, ethnic identity and peace WARP Summit 2017 Religion Peace ethnic identity DPCW Article 9 DPCW     1. States should engage in multilateral consultations to deal with situations where differences attributable to religion or ethnicity pose a threat to peace so that necessary remedial action may be taken and to identify the root causes of a situation causing tension between different religious or ethnic groups, in order to adopt necessary measures to promote mutual understanding between the groups concerned.

2. States should take measures to ensure that religious belief or ethnic identity are not utilised as a pretext for gross and systematic acts of violence. In circumstances where individuals or groups perpetrate or assist in such acts in the name of their religion, states should take adequate measures that lead to the prosecution and punishment of such activities.

3. Recognising the threat to peaceful coexistence that violent religious extremism may cause, states should implement, in good faith, legal measures against individuals or groups attempting to perpetrate or assist in gross and systematic acts of violence in the name of religion. Such measures should, in extreme cases, include the proscription of faith groups – including sects or cults – that perpetrate acts of violence against the territorial integrity and political independence of any state.

The very work that we are pursuing is the work of healing of nations. Once implemented, this Law will be engraved in the hearts of many people to have a peaceful life. Chairman Lee

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

IPYG : Passionate Young Peace Movements

IPYG : International Peace Youth Group

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE IPYG : Passionate Young Peace Movements Peace Legislate Peace Campaign IWPG IPYG international law HWPL DPCW 3rd WARP Summit 2017     IPYG, a group of young leaders, devoted their youth to achieving world peace. IPYG youth, with the vision of world peace, like shining stars, becomes the model of the world peace movement. The members of IPYG are accepted by good examples of world peace movements. They are really passionate. One of the key activities is IPYG world Peace Walk held 25 May every year around the world. DPCW Parade!

Ordinary people’s ordinary peace

The IPYG, an organization of international youth leaders, is carrying out peace activities to protect the future of the earth by becoming messengers of peace.

“If there is we cannot do, and we don’t do it. That’s not the way it should be. Let us become one heart. And, the objective will surely be achieved. –  representative of IPYG

IPYG : We Youths, Become One Heart

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE IPYG : Passionate Young Peace Movements Peace Legislate Peace Campaign IWPG IPYG international law HWPL DPCW 3rd WARP Summit 2017

Our vision

“IPYG youth around the world are united in one purpose-to share in the love and life granted from heaven through peace projects and campaigns”

“For World Peace to become a reality, this is the duty of all youth, everywhere.” – IPYG
Text of a speech in 3rd WARP 2017

“We have grown and developed in many ways. More than anything, we have been working advocacy campaigns so that the declaration of world peace and cessation of wars will become legally binding and it will truly bring all wars to an end.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE IPYG : Passionate Young Peace Movements Peace Legislate Peace Campaign IWPG IPYG international law HWPL DPCW 3rd WARP Summit 2017

We have been able to produce good results and you will be able to confirm this through the various sessions that had begun today. Our objective is world peace where there are no more wars. Until this objective is achieved, we must all follow the leadership of chairman Lee of HWPL and go forth one direction.


If there is we cannot do, and we don’t do it. That’s not the way it should be. Let us become one heart. And, the objective will surely be achieved.” – representative of IPYG


Immediately and very quickly, we have to work on for every nation and leader to sign up international law to implement and the declaration of 10 articles and 38 clauses.  So distinguished guests, you already have an answer. Now, we need to take an action to it – chairman of HWPL

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Dead White helmet : Peace is the path

Executed 7 Dead White helmet

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Dead White helmet : Peace is the path White helmet Peace Nobel Peace Prize candidates Mahatma Gandhi HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions   It is really a shocking news. I have had an eye on Nobel Peace Prize candidates because I have a lot of interest in peace. What news? 7 members of ‘White Helmet‘ were killed by unidentified armed men. I don’t know how many. They were shot in the head. Do you know what it means? “Execution” What kind of crime? The international community is angry. It is even more because 7 members are private volunteers who worked tirelessly to save lives in an extraordinarily dangerous environment. We should make it as an opportunity7 Dead White helmet is not dead.

War is a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. – Thomas Mann

What is their will?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Dead White helmet : Peace is the path White helmet Peace Nobel Peace Prize candidates Mahatma Gandhi HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions

The best way to commemorate their deaths is to follow their will. It is unnecessary to talk many things. If we don’t do anything, we should be more angry. So, what is their will? White helmet is made up of Tailor, bakers, carpenters, electricians and other over 3,000 people. Their goal is to save anyone hurt. They claim to advocate moderation. Eventually, what they most wanted is peace. “A world free from wars” Anton Chekhov saidWe shall find peace. We shall hear the angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds’  I didn’t want their death to be in vain. Dead White helmets must be alive in our heart.

How we can do it?

HWPL’s Two wings : IWPG & IPYG

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Dead White helmet : Peace is the path White helmet Peace Nobel Peace Prize candidates Mahatma Gandhi HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions   We already know that war settles nothing and to win a war is as disastrous as to lose one.(Agatha Christie) Actions are necessary now, not words. We should really achieve peace. I want to recommend ‘HWPL‘. “Groundbreaking and substantive” solutions of HWPL is impressive. The chairman of HWPL said “We have the answer to achieve Peace” HWPL‘s SOLUTIONS are  ‘International Law for Peace and Cessation of War‘ and ‘Alliance of Religions‘. (more info) and other postings

There is no path to peacePeace is the path. – Mahatma Gandhi

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

2017 World Youth Festival “Youth Do It”

Youth Do IT and Youth well done

Do you have any something stuffy? But you don’t know how to release, don’t you? Radiate your youthfulness! Youth imagine Youth challenge Youth act and Youth well done! It is a slogan of 2017 World Youth Festival. It takes place in Gwangju, Korea from Aug. 4 to Aug. 6. Originally I went to Australia to study abroad. In summer vacation, I came to my hometown. I’ll show you things I actually taken. You might be surprised by their energy.

DJ Party : 2017 World Youth Festival

Who created this festival? Who participated in this festival? Youth! But It is not made to eat and just play. I think this festival want to say somethiing. As I see it, it want to make ‘new culture’. “Youth can do it! Not only just do, but also do very well!” There are many lethargic young man who lose their will. They think “What can I do? It is nothing.” I was like that at one time. But now, this is no time to keep still. There are many young people our age in all over the world. What do they think? It may be different. Can you hear?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2017 World Youth Festival "Youth Do It" Youth well done Youth imagine Youth do it Youth cry out Peace Youth challenge Youth act Peace 2017 World Youth Festival     There is a someone who worry for a living, who are afraid of crimes and who are angry at enemy that kill my comrade. But we are one! We should help each other. This is why Youth cry out Peace! The war must be done away. Politics seem to start most wars. But Politician don’t go to war. Who go to? It is Youth! Youth kill each other. Who died? It is Youth! Not Politician. Why do we fight? For country…? Can you say it is for country? Ask to your conscience. We want to achieve PEACE! We Are One!

(more info : it’s home page

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

‘Greenery Peace Color’ : 2017 Color Trend

Greenery : Color trend of the Year 2017

  Didn’t you see a lot of green around? It is a 2017 color of the year.   Greenery bursts forth in 2017 to provide us with the hope we collectively yearn for amid a complex social and political landscape, Greenery symbolizes the reconnection we seek with nature, one another and a larger purpose.” Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone’s color consulting arm, said. What is Pantone? It determines the color trend of the world. Fashion, beauty and many industries are affected. Greenery is symbolic of “new beginnings” What does it mean to you?

Greenery Peace Color : New beginning

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 'Greenery Peace Color' : 2017 Color Trend Second wind Revitalize Peace Pantone new beginnings Leatrice Eiseman Greenery peace color Greenery Gabriel Coco Chanel Color of the year 2017     It’s meaning is very cool. I feel like it is same as ‘breeze’. Is it time to start something before? Are you planning a trip? Aren’t your heart throbbing with joy? Revitalize! It maybe a mission of the young people. Have you ever think color of the peace is what? I think it fits well ‘greenery‘ I will name it a ‘Greenery peace color‘. Fresh, second wind, new beginnings, vitality! It is not important what to wear. “Look for the woman in the dress. If there is no woman, there is no dress.” Coco Chanel said. It means that it is more important who you’ll be. What is in  your mind? Peace’s new wind is blowing. I’ll show you ‘Blowing in The Wind – Bob Dylan’.

  If you want concrete and substantial peace movement? My other 4 posting is here. Fresh! second wind! new beginnings! vitality! (click one by one)

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” – Gabriel Coco Chanel

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

When you feel depressed : The funniest Dance!

Are you depressed?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE When you feel depressed : The funniest Dance! The funniest Dance pharmacist Peace lonely funniest video depressed capacity alone     You wake up, but there is no friend to meet? You feel like it’s you against the world. You are lonely but you maybe don’t want to talk about this. You can say ‘I’m not alone.’ Yes I think it is true and you are honest. I just want to talk. You can do whatever you want. There is no answer. I just want to tell you. You’re not that kind of guy. You have enough capacity to do that.

The funniest Dance : Surprising!

   You will be really surprised. He is dancing alone and editing it himself. Just imagine. He put a great deal of effort to make this one video. During the day he had worked as a pharmacist. He seems really quiet and shy. Why did He do? He started it to change his personality. I think he is really brave. It is not saying to do the same thing. You know what I’m saying. Good luck! It’s up to you!

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!

A Aleppo boy unveiled ‘Nightmare of Syrian jail’

Why Peace?

What do you think is the most terrible thing in the world? Snake? Ghost? I think it’s a ‘Syrian jail’. Do you know ‘Sednaya Prison? It is a military prison near Damascus in Syria. A Aleppo boy(15 years old) was imprisoned for 10 months two years back. The awful thing is that Sednaya Prison is called killing field. Recently, this boy sent ‘a record of Syrian prison’ to the Guardian, British daily.

His Voice in the Syrian jail

“Today is the UN’s International Day for Support of Victims of Torture. Unfortunately in Syria, there is no shortage of victims of torture. Tens of thousands of us have been thrown in Assad’s prisons and tortured beyond what our bodies and minds can take.”

“When I was first arrested, I was taken to security branch headquarters near Damascus, where I was tortured during sessions of interrogation for 58 days straight. After 58 days of this treatment, I had no choice but to sign false confessions that the interrogator himself wrote. I put my name to offences I had never committed, and confessions about people I had never met. I was even forced to sign a document that accused my brother of being an armed rebel.”

Saydnaya is where you go to die

“I was held in that branch for four-and-a-half months, then moved to the political security administration at Fayha’ in Damascus. Here I was tortured in even more ways. I was given electric shocks on sensitive parts of my body; suspended from the ceiling; tortured using brutal methods known as “wind carpet”, “the wheel”, and “the bed”. This went on for another three months.”

“This is when I was transferred to Saydnaya military prison. The Living Persons’ Graveyard. The Human Slaughterhouse. These are names that describe Saydnaya.”

“We survived on scraps of rubbish for food. We became so starved that our bodies stopped looking human. And we were whipped, beaten, starved, given electric shocks. We saw people taken to be hanged en masse. There are stories of prisoners being forced to rape each other, or of guards raping prisoners. There are stories of guards forcing prisoners to kill their own friends and family, or be tortured and executed. Saydnaya is hell on Earth.”

“In October 2015, after 10 months of detention, I won my freedom. But my mind will never be free. I’ve been taken hostage by the cries of my fellow prisoners”

This is why we need peace

This video is not related with Aleppo boy. But I insert it because of your understanding.

More info about truth : Amnesty homepage

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!